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Re: [TeXmacs] new user's stupid questions

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Henri Lesourd <address@hidden>
  • To: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
  • Cc: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] new user's stupid questions
  • Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 16:56:21 +0200

address@hidden wrote:

at first i'd like to apologize for my poor english and the numerous
errors you will read ...

I am a new texmacs user and have been working with latex for a long time
now (although i am still not a pro). I have billions of questions, so i
will ask some now and search a little more for the others.

1°) I'd like to convert my documents which are full of macros (for
example $\R$ refers to \mathbb{R}, new environments as \begin{questions}
\item ...). How can I make Texmacs to convert my .tex files better than
what is done by the default settings.

You cannot. The problem is that due to the complexity
of LaTeX, importing more than the raw LaTeX syntax
inside TeXmacs is very hard.

The appropriate solution to this would be to revamp
your files by means of programming your own translator,
let's say using Perl, or something like that, whether
it is before import into TeXmacs (you would then
write Perl scripts which clean your LaTeX), or
either after (you would then write Perl scripts
which would clean your imported TeXmacs files).

You should start doing this iteratively, namely,
you import one of your .tex files, you see what
the missing macros are, and what they should
do, and either you implement a TeXmacs macro
to implement their behaviour, or either you
translate them in your Scheme Perl.

2°) I love the font used by Knuth for his book Concrete Mathematics (the
latex package is "concrete"-amsfonts i think ???). Is there an
equivalent under Texmacs (the concrete without serif fonts does not look
out as nice in maths equations or am i wrong ?)

I don't know, but if this font is used by Knuth, it
should be somehow available in LaTeX ; and usually,
LaTeX fonts work with TeXmacs : therefore, this one
should be available in TeXmacs, but I don't know exactly

3°) When i have to choose a menu, i have to click on the left button
anytime i change my menu's choice; i'd like to click once and then move
the mouse on the left or right and up or down. How can i configure
Texmacs in order to let it work the way i like ?

You cannot. Revamping the widget set is a project underway.

4°) Is there an euqivalent to beamer and acrotex (with exerquizz) or
don't we need them ?

Yes : one can use TeXmacs's presentation mode (View->Presentation mode).

5°) I'd like to have an enumeration style like 1. 1.1. 1.1.1 How do i
change it ?

From inside the enumeration <enumerate-numeric*> is the
appropriate tag (as far as I know, you need to type it,
there is nothing in the menu for this).

Best, Henri

P.S. : Have a look at my tutorial about TeXmacs, it covers
most simple things, and should help you to easily get
started. Here is my TeXmacs page :

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