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Re: [TeXmacs] No backtick in mode=prog anymore

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Sam Liddicott" <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] No backtick in mode=prog anymore
  • Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 17:13:09 +0100
  • Envelope-to:
  • Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAMAAABg3Am1AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAADxQTFRF NTdQY2Z/i286eHFugnNXoJBwm5GCs5VeoqO0ua+fwLCQ4c2q19C81NDF4eLr/unQ/PTf/fXW+/rq /f/7XKo76wAAAAlwSFlzAAALEwAACxMBAJqcGAAAAi9JREFUSMetloGSqyAMRVsFNAQkxP//15cE 62rFdt/MZqbTVu/hBhLEx/qf8fgDIAN455wHyPk7wCIe9nA+fwGSH87hgD8AHPfRpy2GwdMtcBh+ mg4Ech9Ih+RNixJKDLEL0GF8VLkSojePHrDlryNijbFW8zBg8PUKbBOI6D1WCV5Rf2DzxCtgBlMs tRRVW5LyVW3ew1TfAZZ6RcQicpb4yZmaC74DJADK6BdATOrUAbJzsZie+K22ZnEBknNYysvhVH6u 1X8CqAe4DuANoPoOrAbsHXUARJ5knc5z4EyyTnHoAqj7xvkYIdk65AwhyEZKMusOIDV2QQQaCnDQ gBiDR3RdIEb5CBESt2wgQJI0Yx/Agphg1MgNsD+QkszM9wHVPx/PeQOW+fmcR9DF8+4CyCJhCuP8 fDzmBbLqs8JzMODqYNfDvKhoGYM2lDosy5jlRozccRAgrPM8iygQS3Mv87IugUgKlC7NZ6liuy4r uresVq5QuQAr09ZKEga8OkluyKXeQ6Bs3SrtqgC1pWLNqAfwDhBnB+sK8OrVL4D4h1B4zWPWhJhu gPUHKA5EwSMYUMsdQK+UKDhIOTSHeg+8HCoTOGtB/gwcl4mSdGybwXegPWhM/RHYKwchkckhUNMX 6j7ueQNScLbZZOPRxaADyO2UQCJpl7wbnE6gQ+ksWjpngxOwF1tF5ecP3R6KB+AQxPfHLncQ+nKw 06fhu68OTIfJ869eTtg22l+9zfwDK3mKl5BFHMYAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

On 20/09/10 16:56, Gubinelli Massimiliano wrote:
 could you give me some details to reproduce the problem? I do not know what mode=prog means.

See the attached file.
The first echo `date` has the back-ticks entered using the backtick key.
1. This is the wrong character, it should use the character on the second echo `date` line
2. see the "bad" line, how these wrong-backticks start pairing together. Press END on this line and see how far the text caret is from what is being typed.
3. mode=prog allows the " key to enter normal ascii-34 quote marks. Similar should happen for ` and '
4. export the file as text. The bad characters are some unicode and the good characters did export correctly.
5. because real backticks are saved as \0 in the .tm file, if I try to "evaluate scheme _expression_" and the scheme _expression_ has a ` in it, the ` is saved as \0x00 in my .TeXmacs/system/interactive.scm and I start getting errors like this:
ERROR: In procedure footer-eval:
ERROR: string contains #\nul character: "(insert \"\x00\")"
/home/sam/Projects/texmacs/texmacs/trunk/src/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-dialogue.scm:352:9: In procedure tm-interactive in _expression_ (tm-interactive fun fun-args):
/home/sam/Projects/texmacs/texmacs/trunk/src/TeXmacs/progs/kernel/texmacs/tm-dialogue.scm:352:9: string contains #\nul character: "(insert \"\x00\")"

So, when mode=prog (and the quote key) works properly, so should apostrophe and backtick.

And \0 is perhaps a bad choice of encoding.




On 20 sept. 2010, at 17:33, "Sam Liddicott" <address@hidden> wrote:

Another problem;

in mode=prog, backticks are not fixed-width like other characters. Type multiple ` backticks and watch the caret move further and further away from the rhs of the text.


On 16/09/10 15:38, Sam Liddicott wrote: When in mode=prog, the back-tick (or back-quote) key used to generate this character:
but with todays SVN head update something screwy is going in.

The back-tick key generates a left-single quote which is saved as a back-tick in the .tm file but when exported as text (with texmacs -s -c file.txt -q) comes out as ‘ or unicode E28098

If I cut-n-paste existing back-ticks in the document, they come out as \0 (slash zero) in the .tm file when it is saved but come out properly as a back-tick when exported to text.

So I think my complaint is the back-tick key has started generating single-left-quote in mode=prog

For now I have to cut-n-paste existing back-ticks.





PNG image



    #! /bin/sh

    echo "test"

    echo `date`

    echo \0date\0

    bad ````````````````````

    good \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0



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