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texmacs-users - Re: question about new styles for a Thesis document and a little contrib.

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Re: question about new styles for a Thesis document and a little contrib.

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: question about new styles for a Thesis document and a little contrib.
  • Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 11:51:51 +0200 (MET DST)

> Yep, Joris, is taking too long. I will send the final version of my
> thesis writing to my tutor this Sunday so will be nice to have the
> thesis style before. Please help me as soon as you can. (advices from
> David, Alvaro, Pablo and others are also welcomed B-) ).
> I need also some control on horizontal space for example, aceptation
> page have some lines that looks something like that:
> <--3 cm from page border-->|<---- 7,5 cm --->|--------------------
> <--3 cm from page border-->|<---- 7,5 cm --->|Jury's President firm

This can be done in several ways. The page layout itself should be done by
setting the page margins; this is typically so for your 3 cm left margin.
I also plan to improve the way that page borders are specified soon,
but that will probably be too late for you.

As to the other spaces, you may use "Insert -> Space".
Yet another way is to use tables and to explicitly set
the widths of cells or columns.

> I need to produce a single pdf file with all the thesis document, some
> pages (like dedicatory) have not number page (but they are taking
> account for the number page of the following page) there is a way to
> indicate TeXmacs dont use a page number?

In the latest version, you may use "Insert -> Header and footer".
When entering a blank header and a blank footer,
the page number and anything else will disappear.

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