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From : "Page, Bill" <address@hidden>- To: 'chu-ching huang' <address@hidden>
- Cc: address@hidden
- Subject: RE: [TeXmacs] Axiom plugin
- Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 02:18:49 -0500
What do you mean "there is no axiom icon"? Were
did you obtain this icon? And how does the presence
of abscence of the icon affect TeXmacs?
'axiom' is the name of a script that starts other
processes besides the one that is needed for TeXmacs.
'AXIOMsys' is the name of the Axiom binary. This is
all that is needed for Axiom. This binary is provided
by both old commercial version and the open source
version of Axiom.
The Axiom plug-in was recently changed to accomodate
the fact that earler versions of open axiom only had
Perhaps your problem with "axiom icon" is caused
by something else?
Bill Page.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: chu-ching huang [mailto:address@hidden]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 1:49 AM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: [TeXmacs] Axiom plugin
> Hi,
> I found a little problem about axiom plugin in TeXmacs.
> Whatever change the path of binary of axiom, there is no
> axiom icon. This can be solved by changing all the codes,
> "AXIOMsys", in tm_axiom.c into "axiom". And recompile
> TeXmacs.
> Best regards,
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> chu-ching huang
> email address:address@hidden
- RE: [TeXmacs] Axiom plugin, Page, Bill, 02/24/2004
- Re: [TeXmacs] Axiom plugin, Ralf Treinen, 02/24/2004
- Re: [TeXmacs] Axiom plugin, Ralf HEMMECKE, 02/24/2004
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: [TeXmacs] Axiom plugin, Page, Bill, 02/24/2004
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