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various approaches to embedding symbols into eps

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  • From: "Charles James Leonardo Quarra Cappiello" <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: various approaches to embedding symbols into eps
  • Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2004 10:18:45 -0400


I just realized there is a very nice and clean way to embed things like math and even subgraphics into eps graphics, this rely on the overpic package

You take the .eps you want to edit and include it in a minimal .tex just like the one in the end of this mail*,
1) compile it with latex,
2) then you get dvips -E test.dvi -o test.eps, which overwrites your test.eps with a new one with the embedded equation (or whatever you want to put in there)

The beauty in this is that you dont need to embed extra-stuff into the document, since all what you wanted to embed in the graphics, is in the graphics file itself

Now, im trying to find an approach for visual editing the .eps. Until now there are two candidate routes:

1) With xfig:

you convert the .eps into .fig with the following command

pstoedit -f fig -psarg "-r600x600" test.eps test.fig

this makes possible _any_ eps to be editable by xfig.
you insert some latex commands into the fig as text with the xfig program

Now comes some fugliness, since now you somehow have to start a script that scans the xfig and replaces the latex text with the corresponding overpic commands into the template minimal .tex file, compile it, dvi->eps then eps->fig, reload it in xfig and display it in "executed" latex

2) With .. Texmacs!

assuming you are able to write/overlay text over an image area in texmacs and get the position where the text was put and what the text was

now you dont need to replace anything, you just start a script from texmacs that creates the template .tex, .tex -> .dvi -> .eps, which overwrites the former .eps, making texmacs to automatically reload it and display the new version!

In principle 1) is more conceptually affine, since xfig is precisely a program for graphics, but apparently 2) is easier to do


* The following embeds the y=x^2 equation in the 15,15 local coordinates of the test.eps

\usepackage{graphicx, overpic}



\put(15,15){\huge $y=x^{2}$}


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  • various approaches to embedding symbols into eps, Charles James Leonardo Quarra Cappiello, 04/04/2004

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