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texmacs-users - How to hide all but the generated image of a python session ?

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How to hide all but the generated image of a python session ?

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  • From: Nicolas Girard <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: How to hide all but the generated image of a python session ?
  • Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:46:12 +0200

Hi all,
I did various attemps to interactively generate some figures by typing python
commands in a python session, then display the generated image using the
python function ps_out. As a final step I'd like to show only but this
Here follows a typical python session:

x Welcome to Python
x TeXmacs Python interface [...]
x python] from x import y,z
x python] use y and z to generate a figure
x dummy output
x python] save the figure as 'fig.eps'
x dummy output
x python] ps_out('fig.eps')
o +------------------------
o | the figure appears here
o |
o +------------------------

I've prefixed by an x all that I'd like to hide, and by an o what I'd like to
keep displayed (the sole image)

Is is possible to achieve ? And if so, would it be possible to do this inside
a 'figure' environment ?

Many thanks in advance,

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