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Re: [TeXmacs] Folding, for exams with answer key?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Karl Hegbloom <address@hidden>
  • To: Corey Sweeney <address@hidden>
  • Cc: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] Folding, for exams with answer key?
  • Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2005 23:25:48 -0800

On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 17:07 -0600, Corey Sweeney wrote:
> Insert->fold->folded->default
> Then type "this is the exposed part" click the blue circle (which will
> become a blue dot). a new line will appear. type in the new line
> "this is the hidden part". your done entering. Now click the blue
> circle several times and see the hidden part disapear and reapear.

No, not quite. What I want is for it to have a certain amount of vspace
for the student to perform the calculations and write in the answer when
it's printed as an exam. When it's printed as the answer key, it should
show the answer.

With the standard folding, if you put the vspace in the part that shows
when it's folded, it's still there when the answer is showing.

Hmmm... It just occurred to me that I could *nest* the folds. At the
top level of the outer fold, is another fold. When it's folded, it's
blank. When it's unfolded...

Ok; I've got it *mostly* figured out. See the attached document for
details. I'm still stuck wrt creating a single macro that makes the
folded answer block happen. I tried to create \answer, but it won't let
me move inside of it to edit. I can't figure out the right \drd-props
magic to make it work the way I want.

I'll keep reading the manual, but if anyone knows how I can do it,
please let me know.

Karl Hegbloom <address@hidden>




<class|<TeXmacs> 101 -- Karl Hegbloom

Sample Exam with embedded answer key

The problem is that you want to embed an answer key into the document.
When it is printed as an exam, there should be enough blank paper between
problems for the student to perform calculations and write the answer.

<with|font-shape|italic|To find out the answer, press <key|F11>. Notice
how space for writing the answer appears below the problem description.
Now push <key|F11> again, or click the <menu|Insert|Fold|Unfold|Text>

<fold-back|<unfolded|<hflush>( \ /10)|<vspace|1in>>>
The solution involves, as you see, the use of nested folding blocks of
text. \ Here's the sequence that created this block, using the menus or

<item><menu|Insert|Fold|Folded|Default>, or type the shortcut <key|\\
f o l d e d> (and press <key|Enter> to activate it).

<item><menu|Insert|Fold|Traversal|Fold Back>, or type the shortcut
<key|\\ f o l d - b a c k>.

<item>Repeat step 1, and then type <key|Meta-Tab> to get flush-right
text, and enter the ``( \ /10)''. That is in the always-shown part of
the inside fold.

<item>Press <key|Shift-F11> to unfold the inner fold, and then type
<key|\\ v s p a c e> to create the vertical space. Enter a
measurement, such as ``1.5in', and press <key|Enter> again. Note that
nothing will seem to happen unless there is text below where you are.
Later, when this fold is displayed and there is text below it, the
vertical space will be evident.

<item>Push <key|F10 Home Left Shift-F11> and type the answer key.

When you are done typing the exam, go to the menu, and select
<menu|Insert|Fold|Fold|All>, then <menu|Insert|Fold|Unfold|Vspace> to
open up the writing spaces so you can print the student exam. Then,
select <menu|Insert|Fold|Unfold|All>, and finally
<menu|Insert|Fold|Fold|Vspace> to display the answer key.

The second problem is ...

<item>That's a lot of typing and menuing around. It would be nice to
cut down on the number of keystrokes required.

<fold-back|<unfolded|<hflush>( \ /10)|<vspace|1in>>>
Todo: Write the answer here after learning it.

<item>The blue dots from the <markup|folded-std> environment are
visible in the postscript output. I don't think they are supposed to
be, but they are. \ How can this be fixed?

<fold-back|<unfolded|<hflush>( \ /10)|<vspace|1in>>>
Go to <menu|Document|Part|Create/Show Preamble>, and use the toolbar
and keyboard to enter:



That's ``assign'', ``folded'', ``value'', ``folded-plain'' <emdash>
you can see it in this sample exam's preamble.

<item>To be continued...

<fold-back|<unfolded|<hflush>( \ /10)|<vspace|1in>>>
Todo: Write the answer here.


This is just some text below the above so you can see that something is
happening when you unfold the vertical space in the question above.





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