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Re: [TeXmacs] new user's stupid questions

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Henri Lesourd <address@hidden>
  • To: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
  • Cc: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] new user's stupid questions
  • Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2006 18:07:21 +0200

address@hidden wrote:

For the enumeration, i thought i could change some style and the
numbering (as it is proposed for the theorme environment).

1) As a matter of fact, this one should be inside a menu. Typing
it by means of "\enumerate-numeric*" is not the most convenient,
but works (there is also "enumerate-roman*", "enumerate-alpha*",
etc.). This is why I pointed you to my tutorial, which details
the little knowhow things you need to know to be comfortable
with these things.

Now that I'm thinking about that, here are also
some other tutorials covering various other things
in TeXmacs :
You can find some examples of real mathematical papers written using TeXmacs in :

As far as documentation is concerned, there are some tutorials available :

The official TeXmacs tutorial :

TeXmacs in 60 mn :

and also a (work in progress & a little bit more technical) tutorial I wrote myself :

Finally, there is the TeXmacs help, available in the Help menu (if your computer is online, you
can download all the help doing Help/Online help/Update from web). This help is perhaps also
included in the tarball you downloaded with Fink. Otherwise, the help files are in the CVS at :

2) As far as LaTeX import is concerned, perhaps I
have been a little bit confusing in my previous answer.
In fact, TeXmacs's LaTeX import is quite good, it
is able to completely import LaTeX documents, most
of the time (i.e., 99% of the time) without any errors,
**including** translating the macros contained in
the preamble.

On the other hand, TeXmacs's LaTeX import cannot (and
will probably never in the future) import LaTeX stylesheets
like the LaTeX stylesheets you need to use to submit papers
in mathematical journals : the reason for this is the need
to translate the TeX/LaTeX **variables** contained in these
stylesheets, variables describing the style of the document,
which are completely different than the TeXmacs ones (more
generally, TeX and LaTeX are turing-complete, unstructured
programming languages, thus translating them to a clean macro
language like TeXmacs's macro language seems extremely hard.
Think about how easy it would be to translate assembly language
into C++, or into Prolog, for example : clearly, this is way
much harder (if even it is possible) than the other way round).

Thus, the way which works if you want to use TeXmacs
to write LaTeX documents is to write *two* versions
of the very same stylesheet, one version of the stylesheet
in TeXmacs, the other one in LaTeX, and to write your
paper inside TeXmacs and export it to LaTeX in the end.
Therefore, what is currently missing is more TeXmacs
versions of the styles for the usual Journal, Conferences,
etc. to which people want to send papers. Some of these
stylesheets are already available, but for the (thousands
of) other ones, volunteers are hotly welcomed !

Best, Henri

  • Re: [TeXmacs] new user's stupid questions, Henri Lesourd, 07/02/2006

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