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Re: [TeXmacs] a tex "minipage" equivatent?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "David G. Wonnacott" <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] a tex "minipage" equivatent?
  • Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:34:45 -0400 (EDT)

Just for the record, I'm using TeXmacs 1.0.6 on a Macintosh
(this is the version that comes from the fink project), and the menus
for doing this are slightly different.

* I used insert->table->plain tabular to get a table, and added a 2nd

* I put my image in the 2nd column (where I wanted it).

* I clicked on the first column and used Table->Cell Width->Set Width
and entered the desired width when prompted (the cell width was
already in "exact mode" by default).

* I used Table->Special Cell Properties->Hyphenation->bottom to get
the effect I wanted.

That seems to work fine so far, though I do have to manually adjust
text that flows into the top from the lines above --- what I really
want is for TeXmacs to wrap text around a (preferably not necessarily
rectangular) image, but this is close enough for me.

Dave Wonnacott

From: Javier Arantegui <address@hidden>
Organization: Univ. de Lleida
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 17:08:24 +0200


El Jueves, 26 de Junio de 2008, Peter Rapčan escribió:
> I can't find anything like minipage in
> texmacs.

No idea about the minipage thing.

> Using a table won't do since cells cannot contain multi-line
> text as far as I understand.

It's possible to have multiline cells. Follow these steps that Joris sent
the list a few months ago:


        Table -> Width -> Paragraph

(for instance) to specify a width for the table and

        Cell -> Special properties -> Hyphenation -> Top

(for instance) to specify that the contents of a particular cell
should be wrapped. Hyphenation is now a property: you may make
all cells in a column or table hyphenatable."


Javier Arántegui
Dept. Tecnologia de Alimentos / Dept. of Food Technology
Universitat de Lleida / University of Lleida (Spain)

Tel. +34 973702595
Fax +34 973702596
IM: Jabber - javier.arantegui (AT)

  • Re: [TeXmacs] a tex "minipage" equivatent?, David G. Wonnacott, 08/12/2008

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