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Re: Re: [TeXmacs] CJK fonts don't work

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "孙恭鑫" <address@hidden>
  • To: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
  • Subject: Re: Re: [TeXmacs] CJK fonts don't work
  • Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:57:05 +0800
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024;; h=Received:X-YMail-OSG:X-Yahoo-Newman-Property:Date:From:To:References:Subject:Message-ID:X-mailer:Mime-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding; b=D9BjsluZSge+ERSnCToKLFTLPfy6d3YJeZnQB2o5bMs/7aTrn+TbsVdNKP/vSxurNA4NpEEB9gxQlVAOQcNXTAv3oLamCn9Li1vngyAfRiIObowdRiiaOzopmnvxR8czrmOEOkWGKN/hplbFQtrh9fS/zlj7Aqi5HiMkXTyJ/EQ= ;

I tried, but this doesn't work neither.
And the output of texmacs -d:

TeXmacs] Installing internal plug-ins...
TeXmacs] Opening display...
TeXmacs] With linked TrueType support
TeXmacs] Font fireflysung 11pt at 300 dpi could not be loaded
TeXmacs] Starting server...
TeXmacs] Evaluating /usr/local/share/TeXmacs/progs/init-texmacs.scm...
TeXmacs] Creating 'no name' buffer...
TeXmacs] Loading corktounicode
TeXmacs] Loading unicode-cork-oneway
TeXmacs] Loading tmuniversaltounicode
TeXmacs] Loading unicode-symbol-oneway
TeXmacs] Try tfm ecrm10.tfm
TeXmacs] Loading larm.enc
TeXmacs] Evaluating /usr/local/share/TeXmacs/progs/init-buffer.scm...
TeXmacs] Starting event loop...
TeXmacs] Font fireflysung 10pt at 600 dpi could not be loaded
/usr/local/libexec/TeXmacs/bin/maxima_detect: line 17: locate:
command not found

I notice there is a line says "TeXmacs] With linked TrueType support". What
does "linked" mean here? Does it mean that TrueType is supported through some
shered object? Maybe that's the problem of my font system. I upgrade the gcc
to 4.3.2. Is there any report about the incompatible problem between
gcc-4.3.2 and texmacs-

On 2008-09-11 09:58:14, cch wrote

>On Thu, 11 Sep 2008 09:11:05 +0800, �O恭鑫 wrote
>> Hi, all!
>> I have a TeXmacs install on my SLED 10SP2. ./configure,
>> make, make check and make install all seem good. But when I run
>> texmacs I find that the manubar is empty, looking like this:
>> ,
>> and the terminal says:
>> TeXmacs] With linked TrueType support
>> TeXmacs] Font fireflysung 11pt at 300 dpi could not be loaded
>> TeXmacs] Loading corktounicode
>> TeXmacs] Loading unicode-cork-oneway
>> TeXmacs] Loading tmuniversaltounicode
>> TeXmacs] Loading unicode-symbol-oneway
>> TeXmacs] Font fireflysung 10pt at 600 dpi could not be loaded
>> After a little bit googling I realize that I need a CJK font, so I
>> download the
>> fonts.tar.gz , but that doesn't help. I try these places:
>> ~/.TeXmacs
>> /usr/shere/TeXmacs
>> both ~/.TeXmacs and /usr/shere/TeXmacs
>> /TeXmacs- and then make distclean and recompile it.
>> But none of them works.
>> Would someone please tell me where the font should go and what
>> should I do?
>First download the font from:
>Extract the opendesktop-fonts-1.4.2.tar.gz and put the file, odokai.ttf
>previously named as fireflysung.ttf) into $HOME/.TeXmacs/fonts/truetype/
>Rename odokai.ttf to fireflysung.ttf and restart TeXmacs again. However, it
>is the same to put any font file in the above directory and rename it
>Best wishes,

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