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Re: [TeXmacs] octave plugins update

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Andreas Körner <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] octave plugins update
  • Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:03:01 +0100

Hi, thank you very much fo your work.

I had to remove the old .octaverc in the TexMacs/plugins/octave/octave directory. Because it uses the old octave syntax.

For use with the under MacOSX create a softlink in the path:
ln -s /Applications/  /user/local/bin/octave

Am 14.01.2009 um 00:54 schrieb chu-ching huang:


The development verion of octave has been released over one year (2.9 and 3.x)
and there are many changes and improvements added. The TeXmacs octave plugin
is seriously out-of-date.

At the end of semester, I has time to review the octave plugin (Thanks for
Michael Graffam's work) and try to make the plugin to work as before. Although
the work is not completed yet, but some 2D/3D image etc can work (reference
the following address). Any interest, can download the new plugin from the
following address and try it:

Untar it and put them in the octave plugins directory to replace old ones then

Note: it is test on octave-3.0.3 and TeXmacs- on live slax linux, Maybe
it can not work on stable octave version (2.1.x).

Best regards,


Andreas Körner
Berganger 26
09116 Chemnitz

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