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Re: [TeXmacs] table : round corners and color ?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Marc Lalaude-Labayle <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] table : round corners and color ?
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 22:27:16 +0200
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=subject:from:to:in-reply-to:references:content-type:date:message-id :mime-version:x-mailer:content-transfer-encoding; b=d2MEAOk6AulSg45Yw7YCWcI3A4I77xLHwspWYdHbWcBIqW478CS0k3GbKFKh6r4ffc 9Wc0Kj2SqD4meWxTaRnYjd7aeBvrggd3FH8J9+R/pKuNl+DyKZZ534ToEtcHerovJveN l8VqSEXJK/SbjMr8UF6czHX0aTnxzadDLKIuc=


thank you for the hex tip.

I tried the presentation package (in french) and could get some more
colors too.

For the ornament environment, since i couldn't get any "ornament" via
the menus, i opened the .ts file and, indeed i saw a lot of things. The
modulo some work is clear now ...

What do you mean "selection of suitable images" ?

And is this a bug or a feature that, within a not source style, you
can't add a theorem within a table ?



Le lundi 18 mai 2009 à 21:48 +0200, Joris van der Hoeven a écrit :
> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 09:12:48PM +0200, Marc Lalaude-Labayle wrote:
> > i'd like to have a light grey for the background. Since i don't find it
> > via the menus, i wanted to know if there was a way to define colors.
> >
> > Second question : to get round corners (more smooth), is there a way ?
> You should take a look at the package 'presentation.ts'.
> It demonstrates some colour effects, which are not yet available
> in the main TeXmacs interface. After selection of
> Document -> Add package -> Example -> Presentation
> you can try the environments
> pine
> granite
> ridged
> greyed
> The environment 'ornament' is generally available.
> When looking at the definitions in the style file, you see how to
> create background colours and background patterns. You may use
> background patterns for table cell colours too. In this way,
> after selection of suitable images, you should be able to create
> tables with round corners, modulo some work.
> Best wishes, Joris

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