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[TeXmacs] tab completion

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  • From: Michael Lachmann <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] tab completion
  • Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 23:47:51 +0100


I have just submitted a patch to enable tab completion in the R plugin in TeXmacs. But I have a question about a couple of behaviours of TeXmacs and tab completion:

when I type:

and then hit TAB, then TeXmacs asks to complete "read.ta". All good.
But when I type
And then hit TAB, TeXmacs does not ask for any completion. Then, if I type
TeXmacs again asks to complete "read.table(a"

Why does an open braket prevent TeXmacs from asking for a completion?

Another question is about cursor movement. If I type a letter, and then hit TAB, I get a completion. But if I move the cursor to a certain place, and then hit TAB, I don't get it. Is it possible to ask for a completion whenever the cursor is in a certain place irrespective of the last entry?



  • [TeXmacs] tab completion, Michael Lachmann, 11/09/2009

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