Subject: mailing-list for TeXmacs Users
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From : "Sam Liddicott" <address@hidden>- To: address@hidden
- Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language
- Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:51:15 -0000
- Envelope-to:
- Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAMAAABg3Am1AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAADxQTFRF NTdQY2Z/i286eHFugnNXoJBwm5GCs5VeoqO0ua+fwLCQ4c2q19C81NDF4eLr/unQ/PTf/fXW+/rq /f/7XKo76wAAAAlwSFlzAAALEwAACxMBAJqcGAAAAi9JREFUSMetloGSqyAMRVsFNAQkxP//15cE 62rFdt/MZqbTVu/hBhLEx/qf8fgDIAN455wHyPk7wCIe9nA+fwGSH87hgD8AHPfRpy2GwdMtcBh+ mg4Ech9Ih+RNixJKDLEL0GF8VLkSojePHrDlryNijbFW8zBg8PUKbBOI6D1WCV5Rf2DzxCtgBlMs tRRVW5LyVW3ew1TfAZZ6RcQicpb4yZmaC74DJADK6BdATOrUAbJzsZie+K22ZnEBknNYysvhVH6u 1X8CqAe4DuANoPoOrAbsHXUARJ5knc5z4EyyTnHoAqj7xvkYIdk65AwhyEZKMusOIDV2QQQaCnDQ gBiDR3RdIEb5CBESt2wgQJI0Yx/Agphg1MgNsD+QkszM9wHVPx/PeQOW+fmcR9DF8+4CyCJhCuP8 fDzmBbLqs8JzMODqYNfDvKhoGYM2lDosy5jlRozccRAgrPM8iygQS3Mv87IugUgKlC7NZ6liuy4r uresVq5QuQAr09ZKEga8OkluyKXeQ6Bs3SrtqgC1pWLNqAfwDhBnB+sK8OrVL4D4h1B4zWPWhJhu gPUHKA5EwSMYUMsdQK+UKDhIOTSHeg+8HCoTOGtB/gwcl4mSdGybwXegPWhM/RHYKwchkckhUNMX 6j7ueQNScLbZZOPRxaADyO2UQCJpl7wbnE6gQ+ksWjpngxOwF1tF5ecP3R6KB+AQxPfHLncQ+nKw 06fhu68OTIfJ869eTtg22l+9zfwDK3mKl5BFHMYAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
On 10/03/11 22:42, Jakub Kuźniar wrote:
I have a problem using TeXmacs with polish language.
The problem concerns doing copy/paste text from other programs,
into TeXmacs. After pasting, the polish diactric letters are shown as
question marks.
sample of pasted text:
"Indywidualne ?rodki ostro?no?ci"
When using Paste from ->Verbatim
text is also displayed not correctly but there are used
some other unreadable letters.
Everything is fine when I write polish letters in TeXmacs. It displays
correctly polish letters. What is interesting that when I save such file, and
open it with e.g kwrite, I cannot match encoding. This is neither UTF-8 nor
TeXmacs version:, qt
I think TeXmacs uses Cork encoding which has some symbols that UTF-8 doesn't even have.
I think if you cut-n-paste UTF-8 it will work - do you know that your source is UTF-8? What OS are you using?
And also if you save as tml format (TeXmacs-xml) the text will be UTF-8 but of course the full format will be XML.
- [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Jakub Kuźniar, 03/10/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Sam Liddicott, 03/11/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Jakub Kuźniar, 03/11/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Sam Liddicott, 03/11/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Jakub Kuźniar, 03/11/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Jakub Kuźniar, 03/13/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Jakub Kuźniar, 03/11/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Sam Liddicott, 03/11/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Jakub Kuźniar, 03/11/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] Problem with polish language, Sam Liddicott, 03/11/2011
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