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From : "El.Douwen" <address@hidden>- To: address@hidden
- Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file...
- Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 16:17:35 +0100
i have posted a new test with images
i have taken the piecture that one can find on the texmacs.org page
i have inserted it into a texmacs file
you can see that it does not work
Le 24 nov. 2011 à 16:11, Gubinelli Massimiliano a écrit :
you can try. a priori both should work independently. if it does not work it is a bug which I would like to be aware of. in any case, I think that you can always uninstall the fink version.good luckmaxthank you for your maili am on the website of texmacs, page consacred to finki am wondering wether i can install texmacs with fink, since i already have texmacs with .dmgshall i rename the texmacs downloaded with dmg ? wont i have problems ?in case i dnt manage with fink, i want to be sure i can continue my work with the texmacs i already haveSachaLe 22 nov. 2011 à 18:24, Javier Arántegui a écrit :Hi again,I was going to suggest you to use SVG as a format to include your graphics in TeXmacs. This format is quite convenient, it's vectorial and you can edit your figures with Inkscape. The problem I found is that TeXmacs for Mac OS X (the QT version) is unable to open them.I have the notes of one course written in TeXmacs and many of the figures are EPS and SVG notes. I'm sure that there were no problems when I used the X version. It seems that the problem is related to the QT version.Maybe you could try to in tall TeXmacs using Fink, for example.JavierEl 22/11/2011, a las 14:22, El.Douwen escribió:hi Javier and thank you for your answer- i know a little about geogebra and i know that GG can export files into 3 different formats; but EPS is not possible because there is a known bug in geogebra when you export figures to EPS while these figures do contain a filling (example integrale of a function). The result for the filling is ugly.- i try to understand what you explain. The file toutou.png is little, that's right, less than 50Ko. And the image is large. but-- if i reduce the image with a software like Graphic Converter, for example i only take 50% of its width, then the weight of the image does not change a lot, and at contrary, the quality of the result is bad : i have imported just toutou.png and a toutoubis.png that is toutou reduced in width at 50%, i export to PDF, i zoom, teh result is that the figure toutou.png is good, while the figure toutoubis.png is bad. My aim is the edition of a book, so i can not use a bad quality-- i dont understand how the 1,5Mb appears, concretely; i understand the calcul, you say 1580523 pixels so 1580523 bytes, but what mean the compression of a picture in this case : different files of 50Ko each would not have the same "real" weight when being inserted in a texmacs or other document ? I would have never believed that there could be an other parameter as the weight.- i have just made a test. I have taken toutou.ggb, the original figure of gegogebra. I have telled geogebra to convert it into a EPS picture (with ugly fillings), into a PDf and alos into a PNG picture. The PNG and PDF files, i have converted them (with Graphic Converter) into the other formats (so PDF into PNG and EPS and PNG into PDF and EPS). At the result i have 7 pictures, whose weights are similar.For each of them i have made a texmacs document with 100 times the linked figure, then exported it into PDf with the keyboard shortcut command-Pthe result is that none of the 7 files have worked succesfully. For some of them, i can not copypaste 100 times the picture, for others, the result is that each picture is replaced into a "?" in the pdf file, and then for the others, texmacs crashes.i must confess i feel lost and i wonder how other people do for writing books with texmacsi guess there is a problem with pictures coming from geogebra; i guess there are not plenty people who try to insert geogebra pictures into texmacs- i wonder how it is possible to make with other softwares all the figures i make with geogebra (using spreadsheet, sequences, _javascript_ etc..)- i dont understand why, these figures having been converted wth an external software, the problem persists.- i want also to say that, if any of us would hope that one day texmacs could be discovered and adopted by teachers of secondary franch school, then the easy insertion of geogebra pictures in texmacs files should be a priority for the ingeniors. Because all secondary teachers do use and know and have their work with geogebrai am afraid that i can not work yet on my book, thought the editor sent me a lots a corrections to do.and also if i work on the .tm file, hoping that in this time a solution would come for the export, i am afraid that i would must at the end retake all picturesi precize this book is for a secondary students in France, and will be read by most people, and i want to get the approbation of the editor for a free advert for texmacs in the book; being in this spirit, i encounter the contradiction that i can just not write my book with texmacs...SachaLe 21 nov. 2011 à 17:13, Javier Arántegui a écrit :Hi,I noticed that the image you included in your first example (toutou.png) is pretty big: 1533 × 1031. The files only 45 kb, but 1.5 Mb when is uncompressed (1533x1031=1.580.523). Maybe this is the reason TeXmacs is having so many problems when there are dozens of theses images. It runs out of memory. (I hope that I made the right reasoning.)I noticed that Geoalbegra is able to export graphics to EPS. Maybe the solution is to use that format instead of PNGs. See http://wiki.geogebra.org/en/Export_Graphics_DialogJavierEl 18/11/2011, a las 15:23, El.Douwen escribió:hi and thanks to those how have tried my bugging filesi have an idea nowa simple .tm file with 100 linked images makes a texmacs crash at exportthe images are 100 times the same .png geogebra picturean other .tm file with 1200 linked images takes a few minuts for exportthe images are 1200 times the same .png max os X screenshoti deduce from this that there seems to be a problem with pictures exported by geogebramy knowledges about pictures are not enough, however, to be able to formulate the problem in technical termsif anyone of you has an idea how to ask the question on geogebra forumgeogebra pictures has .ps export problem themselves because of transparencytexmacs perfers .ps (thank you Martial) and geogebra prefers .pngi was just trying to work as fast and efficient as possiblei think that now, for each geogebra picture i want to insert into texmacs- i export it to png- i convert the png to ps with graphic converter- i link the ps image in texmacsare geogebra and texmacs borned to be enemys ? :-)SachaLe 17 nov. 2011 à 20:25, Martial Tarizzo a écrit :I tried your file with TexMacs ( on Linux (Ubuntu 9.04)
I changed the path of the png file, and produced a .ps file with preview (Ctr-P, then saved with ghostview) =>
very big file (~300 Mbytes)
Then, I converted the png file => eps (with Gimp : loaded as png then saved as eps)
I changed the .tm file, then preview => ps : much faster, and a final .ps much smaller (~23 Mbytes)
I works with TeXmacs every year (physics course) on a final big document (~ 300 pages) with many pictures, graphs, ... never had any problem with eps files.
Martial Tarizzo2011/11/17 El.Douwen <address@hidden>hi all
i have put here
an example
the .html file contains explanations
it is a very simple texmacs file with 99 times the same linked image (45Ko image)
99 is not a big number; in a book, 500 images (not so light all) is something quite possible.
i am very interested in your analysis
i will soon have to export some ps/pdf for editor
for the moment i can not do it
--Javier Arántegui
Dept. Tecnologia de Alimentos / Dept. of Food Technology
Universitat de Lleida / University of Lleida (Spain)
Tel. +34 973702595
Fax +34 973702596
http://www.tecal.udl.es--Javier Arántegui
Dept. Tecnologia de Alimentos / Dept. of Food Technology
Universitat de Lleida / University of Lleida (Spain)
Tel. +34 973702595
Fax +34 973702596
- [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., (continued)
- [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/17/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Alvaro Tejero Cantero, 11/17/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/17/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Martial Tarizzo, 11/17/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/18/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/21/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/22/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/22/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/24/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Gubinelli Massimiliano, 11/24/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/24/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/24/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/24/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/25/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/25/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/25/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Roberto Bernetti, 11/25/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/25/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Roberto Bernetti, 11/25/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/25/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Roberto Bernetti, 11/25/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/22/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/22/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., Javier Arántegui, 11/21/2011
- Re: [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/18/2011
- [TeXmacs] help... an example of my texmacs crashing file..., El.Douwen, 11/17/2011
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