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texmacs-users - [TeXmacs] Re: text wrapping

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[TeXmacs] Re: text wrapping

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Michael Lachmann <address@hidden>
  • To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] Re: text wrapping
  • Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 18:16:43 +0200
  • Authentication-results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) address@concealed; dkim-asp=none

I think I found a solution, but it was through editing C++ files.


On 18 October 2012 15:17, Michael Lachmann <address@hidden> wrote:
> Just a short question....
> A hack to overcome the problem described below (about long
> non-breakable lines), I added code that says that
> if a word is longer than 40 characters, it can be broken anywhere. As
> hacks go, this makes sense to some degree...
> My problem now is that it works nicely for text, but doesn't work in
> the input or output fields of my sessions.
> Does anyone know how to turn on hyphenation?
> Thanks!
> Michael
> On 17 October 2012 14:11, Michael Lachmann <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any style/environment that wraps text so it is allowed to
>> break anywhere, not just between words?
>> The output I am trying to break can be a very long line without space,
>> and what usually happens is that TeXmacs just
>> expands the page width to accomodate that line.
>> The best would be if the line were broken, and there would be some
>> indicator that it is wrapped, (line in emacs)
>> but even if the text can just break anywhere, that would be good.
>> Thanks!
>> Michael

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