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texmacs-users - [TeXmacs] TeXmacs Footnote behaviour

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[TeXmacs] TeXmacs Footnote behaviour

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Arun Kishore <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] TeXmacs Footnote behaviour
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:22:22 +0530


I have a small issue with TeXmacs footnote behaviour.
When i try to insert a footnote to a text inside a cell or a table, the
notes is not directed to the footnote area as a new number, instead it
points out to an earlier footnote as a green elongated pointer.

Is this behaviour correct ? Suggest me a correct way.
I need the footnote be displayed as a separate entity with its footnote
numbering as 'normally displayed' even when inserted within cell or a

Thanks !

Arun Kishore <address@hidden>

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