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Re: [TeXmacs] Resume/CV style?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Lukasz Stafiniak <address@hidden>
  • To: Massimiliano Gubinelli <address@hidden>
  • Cc: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] Resume/CV style?
  • Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 15:20:22 +0100

This is my take. I have anonymized the first half page. In case you take a look you can share your comments.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Massimiliano Gubinelli <address@hidden> wrote:
I do not know. I have my CV in TeXmacs but is pretty basic, without any fancy stuff.
But it would be a nice contribution to have a reasonable style file for CVs and maybe an skeleton document for newbies to use. Now that other fonts start to be supported we can produce very nice results.


On 14 nov. 2013, at 09:44, Lukasz Stafiniak <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hello,
> Does someone have a Resume/CV style file in the works?
> Best,
> Łukasz




    Street 123/4>>|<row|<cell|12-345 Anytown, Poland>>|<row|<cell|+48

    <with|color|darker grey|Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
    adipiscing elit. Curabitur dapibus neque eget bibendum tempus. Praesent
    pellentesque venenatis laoreet. Duis at sem eget ipsum luctus vehicula.
    Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
    inceptos himenaeos. Sed euismod felis nisl, at facilisis diam ultricies
    sed. Nullam nunc orci, sagittis a ornare in, aliquam non erat. Integer
    venenatis, ligula nec sodales dignissim, augue turpis iaculis mauris,
    eget suscipit est nisi sit amet tellus. Fusce consectetur malesuada
    lacus, vitae fringilla leo aliquet lobortis. Curabitur mauris nibh,
    aliquet a lacus vel, varius iaculis felis. Sed vestibulum scelerisque
    sapien, ut consequat elit bibendum quis.>
  in Computer Science> -- University of Anytown<htab|5mm>>|<cell|<em|2005-2010>>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|Thesis:
  <with|font-family|ss|Curabitur rhoncus magna at ante consequat
  Mathematics> -- Anytown University of Technology>|<cell|<em|1999-2005>>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|Broad
  mathematical curriculum. Thesis: <with|font-family|ss|Aliquam erat
  Kaiser and Š. Stafiniak. <with|font-family|ss|Playing Structure Rewriting
  Games>.>>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|<em|In Proceedings of
  AGI '10. Atlantis Press, 2010.>>>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|Š.
  Kaiser and Š. Stafiniak. <with|font-family|ss|First-Order Logic with
  Counting for General Game Playing>.>>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|<em|In
  Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference,
  2011.>>>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|Š. Kaiser and Š.
  Stafiniak. <with|font-family|ss|Translating the Game Description Language
  to Toss>.>>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|<em|In Proceedings
  of the 2nd International General Game Playing
  2011.>>>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|Š. Stafiniak.
  <with|font-family|ss|Joint Constraint Abduction
  Problems>.>>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<small|<em|In UNIF 2011 --
  The International Workshop on Unification.>>>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|<strong|Teaching>>|<cell|>|<cell|Lecturer:>|<cell|>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|
  Programming> -- <small|<hlink|<verbatim|>|>>>>|<row|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|Programming
  in Pascal>>>|<row|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|Programming in
  Intelligence>>>|<row|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|Algorithmic Game
  Theory>>>|<row|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|Working in
  Linux>>>|<row|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|Data Stores and Data
  Algorithms>>>|<row|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|Natural Language

  Source>>|<cell|>|<cell|<strong|Toss> --
  modeling, multi-player games, GGP, logic,
    Uses logic, General Game Playing techniques and learning game rules to
    model hybrid and/or multi-agent systems. Hybrid models involve discrete
    transitions based on quantified relational constraints and graph
    rewriting, and continuous transitions by differential equations. Learning
    generates possible transition rules and winning conditions. Automatically
    derived heuristics allow game AI achieve provided or learned goals.
    Implemented in OCaml.
  -- <hlink|<verbatim|>|>>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|type
  systems, GADTs, invariant generation, postconditions,
    Infers types that use Guarded Algebraic Data Types and existential types,
    i.e. dependent types restricted to specific constraint domains. Given
    invariants of data-types, and recursive definitions, without types, in
    the core Caml language, derives the invariants: the constraints over
    inputs of functions and their relation to outputs; and postconditions:
    the constraints over outputs of functions. Elegantly extends the GADT
    system already present in OCaml and Haskell. Handles linear arithmetics
    and can integrate more constraint domains. Based on constraint abduction.
  -- <hlink|<verbatim|>|>>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|parsing,
  term reconstruction and rewriting, subtyping,
    Reconstructs rich term structures from user input by composing
    overlapping substructures that correspond to words and phrases. Global
    composition constraints disambiguate parsed text. Term rewriting allows
    postprocessing of results and seamless extension of a grammar by
    user-provided rules. Now part of the Toss project.
  -- <hlink|<verbatim|>|>>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<with|font-family|ss|Emacs,
  elisp, http, markup>>>|<row|<cell|>|<cell|>|<cell|<block|<tformat|<cwith|1|1|1|1|cell-hyphen|t>|<cwith|1|1|1|1|cell-width|112mm>|<cwith|1|1|1|1|cell-hmode|exact>|<table|<row|<\cell>
    Emacs mode for editing PmWiki pages.
  intelligence, AGI, machine learning, cognitive
  science,>>|<row|<cell|<strong|& HOBBIES>>|<cell|>|<cell|analytic
  philosophy, ballet and contemporary dance, poetry>>>>>

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