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texmacs-users - [TeXmacs] minibuffer support in Qt version

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[TeXmacs] minibuffer support in Qt version

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Kostas Oikonomou <address@hidden>
  • To: TeXmacs <address@hidden>, texmacs-dev <address@hidden>
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] minibuffer support in Qt version
  • Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 10:46:20 -0500


Given that the X version of TeXmacs seems to be on its way out, can someone comment on what it would take to make the minibuffer in the Qt version behave like the minibuffer of the X version? In particular, to have C-g work, and to have the ability to move around in the minibuffer line, and to edit it?

In my view, minibuffer support is the only significant feature missing from the Qt version for it to be a compete replacement of the X version.


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