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Re: [TeXmacs] texmacs building error

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Raymond Rogers <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] texmacs building error
  • Date: Sat, 7 May 2016 08:20:14 -0400

I built it in March of 2015 on Ubuntu trusty  and still have the files including config.log and make.lst .  I use make.lst to record the make output:
make >make.lst
or if I have problems.
 make &> make.lst
If there is a need I suppose I could do a .deb package using some debian tools.


On 05/07/2016 05:42 AM, marc lalaude-labayle wrote:
I answer to myself and others eventually :

LDFLAGS=-lz ./configure

instead of ./configure solved the compilation process.


2016-05-07 11:30 GMT+02:00 marc lalaude-labayle <address@hidden>:

exactly the same for me :

/usr/bin/ld: Objects/OutputFlateEncodeStream.o: référence au symbole non défini «deflate»
//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
makefile:432 : la recette pour la cible « Objects/texmacs-shared.bin » a échouée
make[1]: *** [Objects/texmacs-shared.bin] Erreur 1
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/marc/Téléchargements/TeXmacs/src/src »
Makefile:56 : la recette pour la cible « TEXMACS » a échouée
make: *** [TEXMACS] Erreur 2

Did someone manage to compile texmacs under ubuntu ? And did someone build a .deb package for amd64 ?

Thx to all.


2016-03-06 18:26 GMT+01:00 Karl Hegbloom <address@hidden>:

I have the same problem. For some reason it's not linking libz any longer.

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016, 09:21 Ingolf Schäfer <address@hidden> wrote:
2016-03-04 10:57 GMT+01:00 Henri Girard <address@hidden>:
For years I build texmacs without any problems : But now they don't have it in repo I can't build it on Xenail ubuntu
There seems to be an error in the configure script.
. Where can I find texmacs 1.99.2 deb 64 bits working on xenial (16.04 )
Here is the error, I tried to change the libs as suggested on internet but nothing changes :
 I can confirm that:

LDFLAGS=-lz ./configure

instead of ./configure in your shell fixes this problem.

What did you try exactly?
Thanks for help



 Two views on life:
life is an art not to be learned by observation.
George Santayana:Interpretations of Poetry and Religion
It's kinda nice to participate in your life
Raymond Rogers 

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