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From : Frank <address@hidden>- To: Vincent Douce Mathoscope <address@hidden>,address@hidden
- Subject: Re: simple question : numerotation of theorems, props..
- Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2020 05:52:45 +0000
于 September 11, 2020 9:39:30 PM UTC, Vincent Douce Mathoscope
<address@hidden> 写到:
>numerotation can be :
>theorem 1
>proposition 2
>theorem 3
>proposition 4
>theorem 1
>proposition 1
>theorem 2
>proposition 1
>is there a way, inside a single doc, to switch from one to the other
>way of numeroting ?
使用 K-9 Mail 发送自我的Android设备。
- simple question : numerotation of theorems, props.., Vincent Douce Mathoscope, 09/11/2020
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- simple question : numerotation of theorems, props.., Vincent Douce Mathoscope, 09/11/2020
- Re: simple question : numerotation of theorems, props.., Frank, 09/12/2020
- Re: simple question : numerotation of theorems, props.., TeXmacs, 09/12/2020
- Re: simple question : numerotation of theorems, props.., Vincent Douce Mathoscope, 09/15/2020
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