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texmacs-users - Conditional definition of Scheme functions and typesetting of trees

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Conditional definition of Scheme functions and typesetting of trees

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Conditional definition of Scheme functions and typesetting of trees
  • Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2020 19:25:30 +0100

I post this here because I think that while being about Scheme in TeXmacs is still of general interest. I have found a way of circumventing both issues (which may be ok, in case I will ask about this in another post) but I am curious to know the reason of the behaviours I observe.

First issue.

I have defined a Scheme function with the following:

(tm-define (unitSpacer) ; default, will be used in regular text
       `(hspace "0.5spc"))
(tm-define (unitSpacer)
       (:require (in-math?))

As far as I understand, the first definition is the default and it is overridden by the second when I am in math.

In my tests, this happens only in open documents. At the first opening of a document, only the first definition is used. Does anyone have a hint on what is happening? Developers ;-) ?


Second issue.

In math mode, the program I wrote outputs groups of letters, each wrapped in a <with|math-font-shape|right primitive, and interleaved with the character "*".

Example of output, copied from the terminal using (display ...)

<tree 2 <with|math-font-shape|right|kg>*<with|math-font-shape|right|m>>

I call this from a TeXmacs macro in math mode and I get a typeset output where the asterisk appears as such (while I would like it to be interpreted as an implicit multiplication)

If I copy the output from the terminal, strip the outermost <tree primitive and place it inside a math primitive (opening the .tm file with a text editor) the asterisks do not appear (as I thought they shouldn't).

Again, suggestions?

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