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texmacs-users - Re: working around arXiv' overshoot

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Re: working around arXiv' overshoot

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Frank <address@hidden>
  • To: Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden>, address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: working around arXiv' overshoot
  • Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2021 12:07:22 +0000

No, there is no such statement, but I inferred it from their attitudes.


于 2021年11月20日 UTC 上午11:48:25, Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden> 写到:
>I did not find that statement in the linked page. Where is it?
>On 20.11.21 12:45, Frank wrote:
>> And it looks like they would not accept PR before receiving responses from
>> help:
>> Best,
>> Frank
>> 于 2021年11月20日 UTC 上午11:41:14, Frank <address@hidden> 写到:
>>> I am not familiar with git, but seemingly this code is not in the default
>>> branch (develop). How is that working?
>>> Best,
>>> Frank
>>> 于 2021年11月20日 UTC 上午11:20:38, Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden> 写到:
>>>> On 20.11.21 12:14, Giovanni Piredda wrote:
>>>>> On 20.11.21 12:07, Frank wrote:
>>>>>> Meanwhile, I searched among the source code, but I failed to locate
>>>>>> the checker. There is a line related:
>>>>>> but I don't see where the code could raise an error with reason
>>>>>> containing "from TeX", say, in
>>>>> Perhaps there is some code here:
>>>> e.g. here
>>>> I do not know whether this pull request is part of the current code (I
>>>> need to learn how to check for that) and which place this part takes in
>>>> the overall code.

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