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From : vincent douce <address@hidden>- To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
- Subject: personal shortcuts
- Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2021 17:10:13 +0100
i share with you my personal short cuts (i have copypasted the content of
very useful for my daily maths skype lessons
based not on exhastivity ("all the symbols have each a shortcut") but on
efficiency ("the most used symbol, the easiest shortcut")
what i am lacking now :
- inserting tables or blocks in maths mode and in text mode
- "encrer ici" in math mode (i dont know the english term)
it remains a real pleasure to use texmacs, and the ability to be already
really helped on theses points by the forum has brought a lot to me
;---- insertion de schémas (by Giovanni) ----
(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("C-D" (insert '(with "gr-mode" (tuple "hand-edit"
"line") "gr-frame" (tuple "scale" "1cm" (tuple "0.5gw" "0.5gh"))
"gr-geometry" (tuple "geometry" "4cm" "4cm") (graphics ""))))); very fine !
(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("d d d" (insert '(with "gr-mode" (tuple
"hand-edit" "line") "gr-frame" (tuple "scale" "1cm" (tuple "0.5gw" "0.5gh"))
"gr-geometry" (tuple "geometry" "4cm" "4cm") (graphics ""))))); very fine !
("t t t" (concat (block* (tformat (table (row (cell ""))))) ""));does not work
;---- lettre doubles ----
(delayed (lazy-keyboard-force)
(:mode in-math?)
;------------ lettres doubles et triples ------------
("^ ^" (make-wide "^")) ; pour notation des angles ok
("° °" (make-wide "<abovering>")); does not work
("_ _" (make-wide-under "<wide-bar>")) ; pour souligner
("a a" (make-above))
("A A" (make-wide "<invbreve>")); notation des arcs de cercle
("B B" (make-wide "<bar>"))
("b b" (make-below))
("b b b" (make 'binom))
;("c c" ) cc is necessary for arccos
;("C C" (insert '(with "math-display" "true" (choice (tformat (table
(row (cell ""))))))))
("C C" (insert-go-to '(with "math-display" "true" (choice (tformat
(table (row (cell "")))))) (list 2 0 0 0 0) ))
("d d" (make-wide "<dot>"))
("d d var" (make-wide "<ddot>"))
("d d var var" (make-wide "<dddot>"))
("d d var var var" (make-wide "<ddddot>"))
("D D D" "<mathLaplace>"); ressemble au delta
("e e" "<mathe>")
("f f" (make-fraction))
("f f var" (make 'dfrac))
("f f var var" (make 'frac*))
("i i i" (math-big-operator "int"))
("i i" "<mathi>")
("m m" (make 'matrix))
("n n" (make-neg))
("N N N" (make-nabla)); NN necessary for Natural numbers
;("o o" (make 'op)); sert à quoi ???
("p p" (math-big-operator "prod"))
("r r" (make-sqrt))
("r r var" (make-var-sqrt))
("s s" (math-big-operator "sum"))
("t t" (make 'text))
("T T" (concat (block* (tformat (table (row (cell ""))))) ""));does not
("ù ù" (make 'text));does not work
("v v" (make-wide "<vect>")); vvv necessary for often-typed "vector v"
;---- symboles divers ----
(delayed (lazy-keyboard-force)
(:mode in-math?)
("= var" "<Leftrightarrow>"); ---- <=> ---- very very very useful
("&" "<cap>"); ---- inter ----not the good one : too tinyâ¦
("& . ." "<cap><cdots><cap>")
("& var" "<wedge>")
("& var . ." "<wedge><cdots><wedge>")
("& var var" "<cap>")
("%" "<cup>"); ---- union ---- pas le bon !!!!!
("% . ." "<vee><cup><vee>")
("% var" "<vee>")
("% var . ." "<vee><cdots><vee>")
("% var var " "%")
("% var var var" "<cup>")
("x var" "<times>"); ---- touche X ----
("x var var" "<xi>")
("/ /" "|" <move|"/"|-9pt|>)
("A var" "<forall>");
("A var var" "<aleph>");
("C var" "<complement>"); le vieux binome C
("E var" "<exists>");
("I var" "<Im>");
("R var" "<Re>");
("S var" "<sigma>"); petit sigma : peut servir ?
("T var" "<bot>")
;faire les jolis <= pour les relation d'ordre
;("table N T" (make 'tabular*))
;("table N c" (make 'choice))
;("table N m" (make 'matrix))
;("table N M" (make 'bmatrix))
;("table N d" (make 'det))
;("table N s" (make 'stack))
("space e t" "(make 'infix-and)")
("space space" (begin (make-hybrid) (insert ";") (kbd-return) ));does
not work
("; ; ;" (begin (make-hybrid) (insert ";") (kbd-return) ));does not work
("z z" (begin (make-hybrid) (insert ";") (kbd-return) ));does not work
;------ export pdf automatisé ------
(define (propose-pdf-name)
(with name (propose-name-buffer)
(if (string-ends? name ".tm")
(string-append (string-drop-right name 3) ".pdf"))))
(define (export-to-proposed-pdf)
(let ((pdf-name (propose-pdf-name)))
(wrapped-print-to-file pdf-name)))
("M-e p" (export-to-proposed-pdf)))
;--- noms de couleur en deux mots ---
(assign "darkgreen" (macro "body" (with "color" "dark green" (arg "body"))))
- personal shortcuts, vincent douce, 11/20/2021
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