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Re: shortcuts for \;

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  • From: vincent douce <address@hidden>
  • To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
  • Subject: Re: shortcuts for \;
  • Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2021 16:23:34 +0100

     ("z z" (begin (make-hybrid) (insert ";") (kbd-return) ))

This is a very complicated way to do things.
As you can see in 'latex-kbd.scm', you can directly do

   (make-space "0.6spc")

hi Joris, ok, understood
but (in order to progress…)
in my 'latex-kbd.scm' i have explored all the "space" occurences with the Cmd-F tool, and found nothing as you say
also, i have make a reasarch in the doc for "spc" and found nothing

But, once again (I already replied to your question on texmacs-users),
Control+Space does already what you want under MacOS.
You can hit this key-combination several times if needed.
It could happen though that this shortcut gets preempted by some other application.
In that case, you have to change the system-wide shortcuts so that this
does not happen (or define another shortcut in TeXmacs for the same action).

ok, yes by default it is taken by spotlight i think, we can change it ok

You can also 'resize' an existing thin or wide space using
Option+Command+Arrows (see Help -> Manual -> Editing tools -> Section 8).
See also Section 7.5.1 of 'The Jolly Writer'.

absolutely wonderful, i did'nt know
that replaces for me the usage of thin spaces

Concerning alignment in tables, there are also several shortcuts for this,
which are described in the manual and in section 5.3.4 of 'The Jolly Writer'.

i have found nothing there about "taquets"
if i for example use "tabs" like this :
if now i modify one f the words :
the alignemnt is not any longer respected
i would need, (for me and also to offer to colleagues an easy way for tableaux de variation), a sort of "absolute tabulation" so alle the cells of a column would be aligned, and i would just then miss long arrows but a good step would be done for me


Best wishes, --Joris

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