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texmacs-users - Re: Deleting wide acent?

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Re: Deleting wide acent?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: address@hidden
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: Deleting wide acent?
  • Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:30:14 +0200

I guess I was too quick to ask since I discovered the answer my self
in no time... Just push A-backspace (S-backspace and C-backspace work
too in the right position...)


> I have just started using TeXmacs and I must say, it is realy
> impressive? I have a question...
> Is there a way to delete a wide accent without deleting the accented
> objects, or for that matter change a sub/super-script to a "normal"
> object (without copy-paste); sort of like deleting the "scripting".
> As a side note, whats the deal with the implementation of
> 'make_wide_under'. Some signs are obviously getting special
> ('tilde', etc) while other arn't stretched... (I looked through the
> code quickly). I was trying to make a rotated and stretched
> 'curly-bracket', '{' using make-wide-under... But that would require
> some ( = a lot of) work on the code...
> /Jonas

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