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From : address@hidden- To: address@hidden
- Subject: Re: Applying the luna.ts style
- Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 16:36:16 +0100
On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 02:38:14PM -0500, address@hidden wrote:
> Hi all,
> May be i'm missing something or may be I have the sutpidity mode
> turned on today ( ;-) ) but I can't apply properly the luna.ts style
> to my writing. This is what I did:
> Copied luna.ts on ~.TeXmacs/packages dir. I see now "luna" in the use
> package menu. I selected it and now I see the name "article luna" int
> the footer of TeXmacs.
> Then I made a preview with gv and I see the document in the same way
> as previously. What I'm missing,
Step by step:
Saved tesis document in ~/.
Checked luna.ts was in ~/.TeXmacs/packages.
Checked no luna.ts was in ~/.
Opened tesis document with TeXmacs 1.0.1.
File->Print->Preview with GS.
Okay, we have the bad headers and footers.
Closed GS.
Document->Use package->luna
File->Print->Preview with GS.
Okay, I now have page numbers in footers for numbered sections.
Note: A better way to view headers and footers is to select
Document->Page->Screen layout->Show headers and footers.
I think that should be in the View menu instead, but Joris does not.
Document->Page->Screen layout->Show headers and footers.
View->Shriking factor->10 (so we can see full pages more easily)
Note: It would be nice if TeXmacs allowed shrinking factors greater
than 10 for this kind of full page preview operations.
Note: High shrinking factors (say 20) would be cool to explain what is
"typographical grey". It would also be nice to be able to customize
the gamma correction used by the antialiasing code. It tried to do
this once, but it seems my understanding of the math is messed.
Got the paragraph just before 'Resumen' (which contain 'this page
...' assignations).
C-space C-space C-space to select the 'concat' (i.e. the contents of
the paragraph.
The headers and footers of that page are not changed. That is
because on the previous page the 'assign this page header' and 'assign
this page footer' where after the 'new page'. So they actually
affected the following page.
Up arrow to go to the previous page.
C-space to start a selecion.
Up arrow seven times to go to the previous page with text.
Left arrow to times to select the 'new page' and the 'page break'.
Backspace to remove all that cruft.
[\ e m p t y space p a g e enter].
C-space up-arrow C-e to select return and the 'value new page'.
Backspace to cut.
C-y seven times to re-create the empty pages (that fix the empty
page which had header and footer).
Down-arrow to go back to Resumen page.
Now we see it has a header.
Go to the section* environment which contains the text 'Resumen'.
C-space C-space backspace backspace
[\ u - s e c t i o n return] C-y
Header is not redrawn immediately, that is actually a bug. You may
have to scroll around or hide-unhide the window for the screen to be
updated correctly.
Same operation with the section* which contains 'Introduccion'.
David Allouche | GNU TeXmacs -- Writing is a pleasure
Free software engineer | http://www.texmacs.org
http://ddaa.net | http://alqua.com/tmresources
address@hidden | address@hidden
TeXmacs is NOT a LaTeX front-end and is unrelated to emacs.
- Applying the luna.ts style, offray . luna, 01/16/2003
- Re: Applying the luna.ts style, Joris van der Hoeven, 01/17/2003
- Re: Applying the luna.ts style, david, 01/17/2003
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