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Re: [TeXmacs] Help inserting OOo table

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Javier Arántegui Jiménez <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] Help inserting OOo table
  • Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 12:37:01 +0100


El Miércoles, 4 de Febrero de 2004 12:09, escribiste:

> Why not simply 'ps2epsi' or 'pstoeps' ?

Because I'm sooo ignorant. I didn't know that ps2epsi exist :-(

I have tried 'ps2espi' and it worked fine.

Here is the question for the FAQ (Please --Joris, David, ¿?-- include it just
if you feel that it's necessary and feel free to correct everything):

How can I insert an table in a TeXmacs document?

1. Create a postscript of your table using OOo (File -> Print -> Print to
file). Name the file, for example, ''
2. Convert the postscript file to an encapsulated postscript file (EPS) using
ps2epsi in a shell. Just type:

ps2epsi table1.eps

3. Insert or link the image 'table.eps' in the TeXmacs document.

Thank you very much,


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