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texmacs-users - RE: [TeXmacs] Font style in math mode

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RE: [TeXmacs] Font style in math mode

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Riccardo Ferrari" <address@hidden>
  • To: "Texmacs-Users" <address@hidden>
  • Subject: RE: [TeXmacs] Font style in math mode
  • Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 10:20:58 +0200
  • Importance: Normal

> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:17 AM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: [TeXmacs] Font style in math mode
> Hi,
> I'm a new user to TeXmacs and I have a problem. I'm typing a
> document that has a lot of vectors which are bold, upright
> letters. However, in TeXmacs, if I use bold in math mode, a
> single letter is always slanted. For instance if I type "a" the
> "a" is italic and not upright. However, if I type "aa", then "aa"
> is bold, upright. I can see how this could be useful. However, I
> need to enter a bold, upright "a" in math mode. How can I do this?
> Thanks,
> Robert

Select your single "a" and press ALT+$ to make it text style.
Somewhere in the menus you will find the same functionality.


Riccardo Ferrari

  • Font style in math mode, robertli, 04/13/2004
    • RE: [TeXmacs] Font style in math mode, Riccardo Ferrari, 04/13/2004

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