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maxima, entering Integral

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  • From: address@hidden
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: maxima, entering Integral
  • Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 05:16:22 +0100 (CET)

I am running Texmacs + maxima on redhat (I am new to CAS, and have only
installed this about a week ago). I am finally getting the hang of the system
"The integral sign is produced via the toolbar or by S-F5 I. If it has
limits, it means a definite integral, otherwise indefinite. Then you write
your integrand, then a space, the differential sign (produced by d tab tab),
a space, and your integration variable. "

is always resulting in a message of 'X' is not an infix operator no matter
how I try to complete the integral.

"Int x dx" (where Int = integrate symbol the x is my variable and the d is
entered as defined above. I expected (x^2)/2 as the answer

if I say integrate(x,x); I get the expected result..... so any ideas as how
to complete the integration....
I have found one reference on the net that says to complete use
" \big <tab> . <enter> "
I do not understanf was is meant . Is it some Latext command, if so which? or
is it avaiable on the symbol toolchart (where I got the Integrate symbol)...

Any help most appreciated.


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