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texmacs-users - Re: [TeXmacs] matrix with overbraces/underbraces

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Re: [TeXmacs] matrix with overbraces/underbraces

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Henri Lesourd <address@hidden>
  • To: Marten Bauer <address@hidden>
  • Cc: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] matrix with overbraces/underbraces
  • Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 12:51:44 +0200

Marten Bauer wrote:


I have the following matrix:

| g_11 0 | | F_u*F_u F_v*F_u|
| | = | |
| 0 g_22| | F_u*F_v F_v*F_v|

where F_u * F_v = 0 and F_v*F_u=0. I will show it like this

= 0
| g_11 0 | | F_u*F_u F_v*F_u|
| | = | |
| 0 g_22| | F_u*F_v F_v*F_v|
= 0

where \-----/ and /----\ are under- and overbraces.

When I try it with texmaxs as I know it (for F_v*F_u=0):
1. Mark F_v*F_u
2. ALT-O ALT-<OpeningBrace>
3. ALT-A (script above)
4. write =0
then the braces of the matrix will also grow up like

| = 0 |
| /-------\ |
| g_11 0 | | F_u*F_u F_v*F_u|
| | = | |
| 0 g_22| | F_u*F_v F_v*F_v|
| \--------/ |
| = 0 |

How can I change this behavior or use different way
to get the desired result?

I have found the following solution :

-> create a 2-line/1column table ;
-> put the matrix in the 2nd line ;
-> on the upper line, put an overbrace as an accent
below, and shift it to the right by means of spaces
before it, till the overbrace is just above the
upper right cell of your matrix (this part of the
solution is perhaps not very perfect, perhaps there
is another way to do it which would all the time
precisely set the position of the overbrace just
above the upper right cell of the matrix below,
but I didn't thought about improvements very
much yet).

One can have a look at the .tm file joined as an attachment
to this e-mail for a small example.

Best, Henri

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