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From : address@hidden- To: address@hidden
- Subject: display gif file in cgyTexMacs
- Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:18:22 +0000
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition; b=VB1/ZlBnpb8t+O2QymnHrL/eYkCPihIs5sjlNXGjgCj7DhUKfWGLd8WPmq687URVb6Tdn51utictZw6WpoWfxs3e3YpZJJHNYJZYt+uSNET2Dq3fzy/UPG1JKXB3LoKeM3IhQBAQCDL5CVjdqnIsQC/fB5+wWTem6eSCu2MB0QQ=
Attention to the Texmacs team,
I reinstall texmacs in Windows XP. It is cgyTexMacs version. Most
things seem working fine only for the image insert. When I insert a
gif file, it can not display and return with question mark icon.
What's going wrong? is it problem related to the setup of cgywin
environment? How to fix it?
Looking forward to have a quick response.
- display gif file in cgyTexMacs, pagoda2000, 11/14/2007
- Re: [TeXmacs] display gif file in cgyTexMacs, Andrey G. Grozin, 11/14/2007
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