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Re: [TeXmacs] replace

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  • From: Sam Liddicott <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] replace
  • Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 14:44:56 +0000

I use this 1 line script to trim out old texmacs labels and table-of-contents before committing to git.

#! /bin/sed -f

/^\( *<.table-of-contents\|<.references\|<.auxiliary\)/{h;/<\\/p};x;/^ *<\\/{x;d};x

I save the script it to a file called git-fix-texmacs and so I can call:
git-fix-texmacs -i
git-fix-texmacs >


On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 12:45 PM, David G. Wonnacott <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all,

I feel conflicted about this ability to "make a quick hack" to change the document. I've thought about it several times, and even done it once or twice, when I couldn't figure out how to do an edit within TeXmacs (e.g., to change one bit of markup to another).

But whenever I do this, I'm scared by the "you can easily break your document" clause. In particular, I fear making an edit that initially looks o.k. on the screen, but then causes trouble later, when it's going to be expensive (in terms of hours of work lost) to go back to an earlier backup. Does TeXmacs have any "check the whole document structure for sanity" feature? If so, how does on engage it? Or is it perhaps just enough to load the document in TeXmacs? Or perhaps to export to PDF or scroll through and view each part on the scraen (it appears to me that some elements of TeXmacs, such as linked images, are only fully processed when they are viewed/printed).

I've also thought it would be nice to have a "purge old data" option, e.g. if I define a label, and then use it, and then change the *name* of the label, old uses do not seem to show up as errors ... they stubbornly show the *original* value of that label, even if for example I've inserted another image before the one I now refer to with the new name.

Just two things for my TeXmacs wish list... but all in all I'm very happy with it, and with the support of folks from this mailing list.

Dave W

On 1/9/12 3:29 AM, Javier Arántegui wrote:

I wouldn't use Xcode for that, it's too much. I would use a text editor like Smultron or TextWrangler.

Once you have opened the TeXmacs document there, you can use Find/Replace to change all the dfraclalb to fraclalb. Keep in mind that this is a quick hack and you can easily break the document. Make a backup copy before modifying the document manually.


El 09/01/2012, a las 09:19, El.Douwen escribió:

so iopen them in an other editor like Xcode and i replace what i want
that means i just need to know more little about the way texmacs code the maths
for example there are some <dfrac|a|b> that i must replace by <frac|a|b> because i have found out that frac is the texmacs code for fractions
what are the other codes
is there a list with all the codes for fractions, vectors, integrals... ?
or : is there a means to tell texmacs to interpret dfrac as frac , some "assign" ?
have a nice day

Le 9 janv. 2012 à 09:08, Javier Arántegui a écrit :


TeXmacs files are just text files. That means that you can do a lot of quick'n'dirty hacks using a text editor.


El 03/01/2012, a las 06:06, El.Douwen escribió:

hi all
i a .tm imported from a .tex i encounter a lot of
that i want ot repalce by
i can not find the means to "replace all"
how does it work ?
i precise that the items i want to replace are in equation modes.

in the same way, i have a lot of <boldmath> that i simly want ot cancel.
After that, i will retake every paragraph "at hand", but the more i can do automatically, the better it is.


Javier Arántegui
Dept. Tecnologia de Alimentos / Dept. of Food Technology
Universitat de Lleida / University of Lleida (Spain)

Tel. +34 973702595
Fax  +34 973702596

Javier Arántegui
Dept. Tecnologia de Alimentos / Dept. of Food Technology
Universitat de Lleida / University of Lleida (Spain)

Tel. +34 973702595
Fax  +34 973702596

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