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texmacs-users - [TeXmacs] Alt+Parenthesis not resizing

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[TeXmacs] Alt+Parenthesis not resizing

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "chowdhary, kenny" <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] Alt+Parenthesis not resizing
  • Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 09:07:40 -0400

I am using texmacs on Ubuntu 12.04 (obtained via the Ubuntu Software Center). I am trying to add parenthesis that automatically re-size when I place a large summation symbol or fraction within the parenthesis. I can usually type Alt+Shift+9 and Alt+Shift+0 and then fill in between. It's not working in this version. 


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