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texmacs-users - Re: Installing on Ubuntu 19.10

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Re: Installing on Ubuntu 19.10

Chronological Thread 
  • From: ARTURO FATTURI <address@hidden>
  • To: Bo Johnson <address@hidden>
  • Cc: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: Installing on Ubuntu 19.10
  • Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 22:13:15 -0300

Hi Bo.
 Texmacs is easy to install on Centos, Fedora, OpenSuse and, I believe Debian (I not sure about this last one). I was using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and the process of installation was very complicated. It seems that we go back 20 years ago in linux world.
In Ubuntu you have to add a "repository" that you find in texmacs page (, there they say that the process of installation is "simple" (install the repositoy and do an "apt install texmacs), but it's not.
After I install the repository I must have to find the pakage GUILE 1.8, GUILE-DEV 1,8 and another dependency libraries to install Texmacs. The icon dont run texmacs. Ubuntu comes with guile 2.2 and texmacs needs guile 1.8.
The process to install Texmacs in my case was "from scratch", installing package after package and take note of missing dependencies. Only after that the icon of texmacs opens texmacs.

I switch to Centos. 

I just install Centos and did  "yum install texmacs", this command install all dependencies, click on the texmacs icon and begin to work.
If a linux distribution do not have Texmacs on it's repositories and don't fix the missing dependencies I stop using it.

Best wishes

Em seg., 9 de dez. de 2019 às 15:11, Bo Johnson <address@hidden> escreveu:
I'm wanting to try out TeXmacs but saw there isn't an ready-to-install
package for Ubuntu 19.10. I was wondering what the best way to install
TeXmacs might be in my case.


Bo Johnson
(801) 503-2043

Prof. Dr. Arturo Fatturi
Curso  de Filosofia
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS
Chapecó - Santa Catarina

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