Subject: mailing-list for TeXmacs Users
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From : Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden>- To: address@hidden
- Subject: Re: 1
- Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 17:09:03 +0000
I _think_ that is a blackboard bold 1, so in TeXmacs (see manual, 3.2) you obtain that with the key combination shift + F6.
Also, the different thickness between the first and the second stroke of the 1 may depend on the font; I do not know, with TeXmacs Computer Modern I get two strokes of the same thickness. I experimented with other fonts and I did not obtain a 1 like in your image.
On 20/05/24 17:38, vincent douce wrote:
is there a means in TeXmacs to get this 1 with
double bar ?
- 1, vincent douce, 05/20/2024
- Re: 1, Giovanni Piredda, 05/20/2024
- Re: 1, Grégoire Lecerf, 05/21/2024
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