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Horizontal alignment of subscripts

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Alvaro Tejero Cantero <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Cc: Marta Balbás Gambra <address@hidden>
  • Subject: Horizontal alignment of subscripts
  • Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:21:42 +0100
  • Organization: Ludwig-Maximilian Universität

Hello *,

In LaTeX, some people try to avoid unaligned consecutive subscripts such as {mn} and {ls} in the following example:

$ c_{mn}c^{\dag}_{ls} $

by creating an empty superscript (^{}) to the first 'c'.

For some reason, this gives the right amount of vertical space to push the subindexes down enough to perfectly match those of the c^{\dag} symbol.

But it is clearly a ugly hack (ie, it doesn't work for \frac{1}{2} instead of \dag).

What is recommended in such cases for TeXmacs? evidently, adding an empty superscript doesn't produce any extra vertical space (should this be considered a bug in TeX??), so one should perhaps use \phantom as in

$ c^{\phantom{\dag}}_{mn}c^{\dag}_{ls} $

but that is not fast to type.

How to do better? Maybe \phantom deserves a keybinding of its own?
Is it unrealistic to seek for such finesse in subscript alignment?


  • Horizontal alignment of subscripts, Alvaro Tejero Cantero, 12/16/2004

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