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From : address@hidden- To: address@hidden
- Subject: Re: question about new styles for a Thesis document and a little contrib.
- Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 06:35:46 -0500
El dom, 29-09-2002 a las 17:09, David Allouche escribió:
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 10:38:48PM -0500, address@hidden
> >
> > As I said previously, I am not a programmer, but I can help with
> > documentation, localization and translation.
> We always need people to help on translations... I took that occasion
> to create a new page on the Wiki to help getting a picture where help
> is needed and who is in charge...
> http://alqua.com/tmresources/international%20maintainers
Ok. I will take a look.
> If you maintain an international version of TeXmacs, please let you be
> known, so that we can fill that page.
> Regarding the spanish translation, I believe the right person to ask
> is Alvaro: address@hidden
Ok. I can help uploading to the wiki page some of the translated
documentation on TeXmacs. I have a question about doc, wich licence
covers the documentation (Introduction, Gettin Started, etc.) present on
TeXmacs: GPL, FDL, OpenContent, OpenResources Magazine, none of them?
> I made those files up to date with the latest help style, and put them
> online at:
> http://alqua.com/tmresources/contributed%20documents
> or
> http://ddaa10.free.fr/texmacs/doc
> since I am unable again to upload files to the Wiki :-(
Thanks, I will take a look too. I have some problems also trying to
suscribe to a alqua mailing list :-(
> A few comments: you should have set the document style to "help"
> instead of letter. You also should have used the (sub)menu macros (now
> the menu function) instead of using "samp" and arrows in math mode.
Ok, thanks
> > * Every section starts in a new page (5 cm of top border page).
> > * Each section and subsection titles are in Caps.
> > * The paragraphs start all aligned to the left of the page (like in the
> > help style).
> I could help on this, but a number of clarifications are required
> first...
> You say every section starts in a new page. Do you really mean every
> section, or every chapter? If you mean section, how are chapter titles
> displayed?
Well I didnt use the Chapter Style for chapters in my thesis because the
local rules for documentation on Thesis dont Include the Word Chapter
<Number>, just the number of the Chapter and the title so I think that
the section style was more adecuated, but if I can quit the word
"Chapter" before the number I think that Chapter will be better. By the
way, some sections/chapters are numbered, but some other dont (like
Introduction or Bibliography) can I mix both styles?
> You talk of a 5cm top margin at section (chapter?) start. Is that 5cm
> in addition to the usual top margin, or actually 5cm from border of
> paper?
From border of paper.
> Section and subsection titles should be in real caps (ugly and
> unsupported at the moment, though the modification is easy) or in
> small caps (nicer but requires the use of Computer Roman fonts on
> TeXmacs)?
Well, the local rules for documentation say caps but in the examples all
the caps have the same size, so I think that they real caps. The font
size is the same that in the document, just they are always caps.
> For the paragraph style, you may set the first indentation and
> interparagraph space in package file of your own (do not forget to use
> "None" style) and use it in your document.
Well, with the 0.16 version of TeXmacs I selected all and then I made
"Format -> Margins -> First identation" and then I seput to zero. But
now I have a big blue square wich covers the all document (because I
define it selecting all before make the identation change). I will see
the package file instead, but how can I quit the Big blue square with
out loosing the identation changes?
> Hope this helps.
Helps a lot. Thanks David,
- Re: question about new styles for a Thesis document and a little contrib., offray . luna, 10/01/2002
- Re: question about new styles for a Thesis document and a little contrib., Joris van der Hoeven, 10/04/2002
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