Subject: mailing-list for TeXmacs Users
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From : Kamaraju Kusumanchi <address@hidden>- To: address@hidden
- Cc: address@hidden
- Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] gnuplot_preamble not working in texmacs interface
- Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 10:52:13 -0400
Andrey G. Grozin wrote:
On Mon, 4 Apr 2005, Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
Unfortunately, the documentation on maxima or texmacs does not specify where to send a problem with running maxima in texmacs. So I am sending it both the lists hoping that someone will tell me which is right place to post such requests in the future.
The best address for such queries is address@hidden
Thank you.
To reproduce the bug
start texmacs
Document -> Add Package -> program -> varsession
Edit -> preferences -> keyboard -> Automatically close brackets
Insert -> session -> maxima
Session -> input mode -> mathematical input
In the maxima input type
plot(x, [x, -1,1], [gnuplot_preamble, "set grid"])
The output will be
Incorrect syntax: GRID is not an infix operator
[preamble, set grid]
I cannot reproduce this bug. First, you probably mean plot2d, not plot - there is no function plot. With plot2d, this line works exactly the same from the command-line maxima and from TeXmacs session.
Yes It is plot2d and not plot. Thanks for catching that mistake.
Did you switch on the mathematical input mode (by doing session -> input mode -> mathematical input)? If the mathematical input mode is turned off, then everything works fine. But if it is turned on then it gives the above error.
What OS do you use? Version of TeXmacs? Of maxima? On which lisp?
I am using debian sid distribution. Texmacs 1.0.4, 5.9.1-9, CMU Common Lisp CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 + minimal debian patches. All the packages were obtained from Debian distribution (I have not compiled any of them)
- gnuplot_preamble not working in texmacs interface, Kamaraju Kusumanchi, 04/05/2005
- Re: [TeXmacs] gnuplot_preamble not working in texmacs interface, Andrey G. Grozin, 04/05/2005
- Re: [TeXmacs] gnuplot_preamble not working in texmacs interface, Kamaraju Kusumanchi, 04/05/2005
- Re: [TeXmacs] gnuplot_preamble not working in texmacs interface, Andrey G. Grozin, 04/05/2005
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