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Re: [TeXmacs] headers and toc

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] headers and toc
  • Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 00:28:06 +0200


On Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 12:15:48PM -0600, Bob Lounsbury wrote:
> Well, I'm new to TeXmacs and have been reading the documentation to try
> and get a handle on the program for writing my thesis and I have a
> couple of questions. My first question is: Is there any documentation
> that explicitly explains how to make changes to documents and doesn't
> just tell you what all the commands are? Meaning, I've used TeX briefly
> and this documentation explicitly explains and gives examples of how to
> change different aspects of your document. For instance in TeX the
> package 'fancyhdr' is very popular for controlling headers and footers
> and it is explained explicitly that to change the headers or footers in
> your document you insert (into your preamble):
> \usepackage{fancyhdr}
> \pagestyle{fancy}
> \rhead{\thepage} This command gives you the current page number
> in the right header
> \cfoot{} This command eliminates anything in the center foot
> position
> I am not seeing instruction on how to modify the header of TeXmacs
> documents. The user manual only lists things like: odd-page-header :=,
> or <set-header|> from the Insert-Permanent-Header menu, or other
> commands. However, I don't know what to enter into these fields to
> modify the header or where in the document to enter these commands.
> So, is there any documentation that explains this a little more clearly?
> Or maybe a two-line reply will clear this all up for me. I'm not trying
> to be rude or say the documentation is bad or anything I'm just confused
> and trying to understand how the program works because I think that it
> will be a very good program to write my thesis in (much much better than
> Microsoft Word).
> What I need is the page number to be displayed in the right header on
> every page, with nothing else in the header or footer, and the
> preliminary pages to be numbered i, ii, iii and the remaining pages to
> be numbered 1, 2, 3 with a 12pt header at 0.75in from the top. Also, it
> would be nice if I could capitalize the c, f, and t in the toc, lof, and
> lot. So rather than "Table of contents" it is "Table of Contents". I am
> using the article document style.

I agree that the TeXmacs header system is a little bit complex and
that it should be better documented. As a general remark, you may do

<F1> odd page header <return>

to get some information. The macro in the second link is instructive
on the kind of commands which are used for producing headers.
Especially the "page-the-page" macro can be used in order to obtain
the page number. Notice that the "number" macro can be used for
producing roman numbers (search the docs).

As to the names of special sections, you may redefine the macros
"section-text", "table-of-contents-text", etc. Again, you might
have discovered this by doing

<F1> table of contents <return>

and clicking on

Best wishes, Joris

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