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[TeXmacs] xypic and pstricks

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Marc Lalaude-Labayle <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] xypic and pstricks
  • Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 18:44:50 +0100
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=subject:from:to:content-type:date:message-id:mime-version:x-mailer :content-transfer-encoding; b=mLqe7KSaTIx5ZgOF02cgqUYkiEGtEecTmxWgnAT9XV+uMJYsjifbxSQMZB98SxQItt UTBgBeKFaU/jCTc8hgV+pxKLEnmBYtcISTDVjEUq/QuSO9cw5nd1eoNuoTlyANQEt7t5 OwUcvpWjLj/ATPDQIzoczdRE/1nhinJQQYSOQ=


after some tries under ubuntu, i arrived at this :

1°) at first, as M. Corcelle wrote it, one has to change the tm_plugin
files first line from sh to bash.
With this, xypic plugin just works.

2°) Doing the same with the pstricks plugin posted by chi-ching Huang
doesn't help.

I tried to see the .tex file, compile it and insert it in texmacs. But
at first, i have to say i don't use pstricks ; i just wanted to use
pst-circ and pst-lab for my colleagues (chemical and electrical

So, when doing a {pspicture}, it seems you have to specify a box. So,
instead of writing \psline(0,2), i had to write (4,5) (to create a
"box" ?), more precisely : (4,5) \psline(1,2)
I get a .tex file, that compiles great and after a dvips -E, i get an
eps file which contains my line.
But when i insert this .eps file, texmacs just tells me : <error|bad
postscript|null box>

Does it help ?

I have a last question (already posted here, but i couldn't find any
answer) : how do you do to only let the diagram appear (with xypic for
example) ? I'd like to let the code (in order to modify it), but don't
want it to appear on the screen (neither on the pdf).

Thank you


Ps : the pstricks package as "corrected" by Martial Tarizzon allows me
to get the figure and some error messages

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