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Re: [TeXmacs] Feedback on texmacs

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Sam Liddicott" <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] Feedback on texmacs
  • Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 12:59:58 +0100
  • Envelope-to: address@hidden
  • Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAMAAABg3Am1AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAADxQTFRF NTdQY2Z/i286eHFugnNXoJBwm5GCs5VeoqO0ua+fwLCQ4c2q19C81NDF4eLr/unQ/PTf/fXW+/rq /f/7XKo76wAAAAlwSFlzAAALEwAACxMBAJqcGAAAAi9JREFUSMetloGSqyAMRVsFNAQkxP//15cE 62rFdt/MZqbTVu/hBhLEx/qf8fgDIAN455wHyPk7wCIe9nA+fwGSH87hgD8AHPfRpy2GwdMtcBh+ mg4Ech9Ih+RNixJKDLEL0GF8VLkSojePHrDlryNijbFW8zBg8PUKbBOI6D1WCV5Rf2DzxCtgBlMs tRRVW5LyVW3ew1TfAZZ6RcQicpb4yZmaC74DJADK6BdATOrUAbJzsZie+K22ZnEBknNYysvhVH6u 1X8CqAe4DuANoPoOrAbsHXUARJ5knc5z4EyyTnHoAqj7xvkYIdk65AwhyEZKMusOIDV2QQQaCnDQ gBiDR3RdIEb5CBESt2wgQJI0Yx/Agphg1MgNsD+QkszM9wHVPx/PeQOW+fmcR9DF8+4CyCJhCuP8 fDzmBbLqs8JzMODqYNfDvKhoGYM2lDosy5jlRozccRAgrPM8iygQS3Mv87IugUgKlC7NZ6liuy4r uresVq5QuQAr09ZKEga8OkluyKXeQ6Bs3SrtqgC1pWLNqAfwDhBnB+sK8OrVL4D4h1B4zWPWhJhu gPUHKA5EwSMYUMsdQK+UKDhIOTSHeg+8HCoTOGtB/gwcl4mSdGybwXegPWhM/RHYKwchkckhUNMX 6j7ueQNScLbZZOPRxaADyO2UQCJpl7wbnE6gQ+ksWjpngxOwF1tF5ecP3R6KB+AQxPfHLncQ+nKw 06fhu68OTIfJ869eTtg22l+9zfwDK3mKl5BFHMYAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

And yet more feedback:

if LANG=en_GB.utf8, such that gcc errors use utf-8 characters (like the freaky back-quote marks), then if gcc is run under a shell session in texmacs, the utf-8 characters are not properly interpreted.

I suppose texmacs should look at LANG before it invokes the shell to get the default encoding.

I also had a long footnote:

The footnote was hyphenated in the word message, and the part before the hyphenation was right-aligned which looked stupid. If the line must be broken early I think left-alignment should be kept. (Never mind that hyphenating a URL is probably always the wrong thing to do and maybe I should have marked it so it would not be hyphenated).

I find it confusing that ctrl-home may or may not go to the top of the document depending what the current environment is.

Here is my comparison with Lyx - no exhaustive but as is relevant to me:
The XML file formal of Texmacs is great compared to Lyx's unsupported docbook sgml format.
Lack of hyperlinks in Texmacs pdf output is a disadvantage, Lyx supports this.
Texmacs not using Tex is a great advantage offset by the equally great loss of all the text packages that exist.
Texmacs sessions are great, not quite matched by Lyx's scripts that can run for various file types.
Lyx's shortcut and accellerator keys allow me to enter and format documents without using the mouse. Texmacs can theoretically do this, but Lyx behaviour is better out of the box. Like Texmacs it tells you the shortcuts as you go along

I don't think I will have many more comments.


On 14/06/10 14:12, Sam Liddicott wrote:
More feedback:

(I'm not whining, but I chap only gets to give this sort of feedback in the
first couple of weeks with a new tool, so I thought it would be worth
taking advantage of).

I can't find out how to insert an em-dash.

I miss the document outline view of Lyx, and the ability to indent or
in-indent in the outliner which would change headings from section to
subsection or back again.

I miss the split view where I could see and edit two parts of the document
at once.

With I can't get rid of blank line between code environment and a
session environment

There doesn't seem to be a way to set document style defaults, like what
the font size should be for fixed size fonts, etc; which was simple with

A good ting about Texmacs is the native xml support, something that
attracted me, and, in what is becoming more attractive - lack of tex!


*Sam's signature*

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