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texmacs-users - [TeXmacs] Export of beamer style presentation to ps/pdf

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[TeXmacs] Export of beamer style presentation to ps/pdf

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  • From: Lukasz Stafiniak <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] Export of beamer style presentation to ps/pdf
  • Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 01:44:04 +0100


As Massimiliano has found out for me, when generating a ps from a
beamer style document, the background gets translated into a detailed
graphics "without sharing", therefore exploding the file size and
generation time. With my recent slides at 45 pages, export took over
half an hour. And I probably made a mistake in them, might have to
regenerate... (I might ask people to install TeXmacs, but displaying
pdf is less problematic. Even browsers can display pdf. Another
example, I tried to display the slides on a projector, and found out
that my laptop opened the screen in a "wide mode" where half the
screen is on laptop and half on projector, so when I went full-screen
in TeXmacs, the slides were only visible on the laptop screen.)

It's a little bit scary.

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