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[TeXmacs] Octave plugin status

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "David E. Miller" <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Cc: address@hidden
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] Octave plugin status
  • Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 15:06:08 -0400
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  • X_cmae_category: 0,0 Undefined,Undefined

Octave plugin status. The TeXmacs website says:

"The current Windows version of TeXmacs only supports a reduced set of plug-ins. As of version, Maxima, Mathemagix, Octave, Pari and Python should run out of the box after a standard installation."

From what I have experienced the Octave plugin is defective. This is the case for Linux, OS X and MS Windows. It is the plugin and not the operating systems. Any reference to an Octave expression using the Octave plugin from TeXmacs that involves a variable returns "texmacs" and not the expected answer. Expressions with numbers only are okay, but obviously this is not "running out of the box" as stated.

Also the phrase "standard installation" may be misleading. TeXmacs may have a standard installation using MS Windows, but it is a stretch to describe the installation of the MS Windows version of Octave as "standard" in any sense. The installation of Octave on MS Windows requires a number of manual steps and configuration items before TeXmacs shows Octave as an available plugin. This includes modification of the PATH environment variable. After successfully jumping that hurdle (which is not documented anywhere), the plugin will start an Octave session that does not work normally with the same symptoms whether using GNU/Linux, OS X, or MS Windows:

octave> A = [1,2,3]

octave> 1+1

octave> sqrt(2)

octave> a=sqrt(2)

David Miller

  • [TeXmacs] Octave plugin status, David E. Miller, 03/18/2013

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