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From : Vincent Douce Mathoscope <address@hidden>- To: address@hidden
- Subject: Re: quicklook
- Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2020 22:15:57 +0200
when one item is selected :
then if you press the "space" key, the first page appears without opening the document :
it is very useful because every app takes some time to open itself, and some time to open a doc
particularly, TeXmacs takes a cuple of seconds to open a doc
when i have to search something into a lot of docs, "quicklook" let me spare a lot of time
but under mac os, quicklook does nt work with TeXmacs
Le 18 août 2020 à 18:48, Frank <address@hidden> a écrit :Hi,
I don't use Mac OS so I don't know what that means. Is that just the panoramic view?
于 August 18, 2020 2:40:09 PM UTC, Vincent Douce Mathoscope <address@hidden> 写到:hi
i am migrating step by step all the little non-mathematics .rtf docs of
my hard drive (hundreds of little document containing text) to TeXmacs
but i miss the "quicklook" option (aperçu) that let the mac user having
a quicklook by pressing the space key
has this ability been thought for future plans of TeXmacs ?
Vincent Douce Mathoscope
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Vincent Douce Mathoscope
- quicklook, Vincent Douce Mathoscope, 08/18/2020
- Re: quicklook, Frank, 08/18/2020
- Re: quicklook, Vincent Douce Mathoscope, 08/18/2020
- Re: quicklook, Félix Faisant, 08/19/2020
- Re: quicklook, Vincent Douce Mathoscope, 08/20/2020
- Re: quicklook, TeXmacs, 08/21/2020
- Re: quicklook, Vincent Douce Mathoscope, 08/20/2020
- Re: quicklook, Frank, 08/18/2020
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