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From : Richard gomez <address@hidden>- To: Jeroen Wouters <address@hidden>
- Cc: Massimiliano Gubinelli <address@hidden>, Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden>, "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
- Subject: Re: Space between two paragraphs
- Date: Fri, 28 May 2021 12:39:30 +0200
Jeroen wrote :
Hi Richard,
Massimiliano's suggestion works for me. Perhaps we are not understanding properly what the desired effect is. It would be helpful if you could attach a small example document (together with any non-standard style files, if necessary) and a screenshot where the spacing is indicated that you would like to reduce.
Thank you Jeroen.
I have just understood my mistake (few seconds before your email). I am so stupid.
Here is my mistake : when i writed few blocs of text, like below :
This is block 1, block 1 , block 1, block 1, block 1
block 1, block 1, block 1, block 1.
This is block 2, block 2 , block 2, block 2, block 2
block 2, block 2, block 2, block 2.
i used to press twice ENTER (you can see this in the example or in my first email), instead of pressing once ENTER, like here :
This is block 1, block 1 , block 1, block 1, block 1
block 1, block 1, block 1, block 1
This is block 2, block 2 , block 2, block 2, block 2
block 2, block 2, block 2, block 2
This is why the solutions given by Massimiliano and Giovanni did not work with me. But they were right !
Now, it works.
I am looking for some documentation about the menu
DOCUMENT > PARAGRAPH > Interparagraph space
because i feel quite lost with the different units : fn, fns, fs, etc.
My document is a "book style" (more than 800 pages) and my editor have made some requests about vertical spaces, etc.
Thank you for your help,
Richard Gomez
Le 28 mai 2021 à 12:25, Jeroen Wouters <address@hidden> a écrit :Hi Richard,Massimiliano's suggestion works for me. Perhaps we are not understanding properly what the desired effect is. It would be helpful if you could attach a small example document (together with any non-standard style files, if necessary) and a screenshot where the spacing is indicated that you would like to reduce.Best,Jeroen
On Fri, 28 May, 2021 at 12:13, Richard gomez <address@hidden> wrote:Thank you Massimiliano. I have tried with the menu Document -> Paragraph Interparagraph space : *** fn but it did not work. I have tried with negative values… By the way, what does « fn » mean ? I have also tried with negative values in <assign|par-par-sep|…> but it didn’t work (thak you Giovanni by the way). So, i ask once again (for new readers) : is there any way to change the height of the vertical spaces between the « blocks » of the text in my book ? Best regard, Richard GomezLe 26 mai 2021 à 20:34, Massimiliano Gubinelli <address@hidden> a écrit : You may want to make these changes in Document->Paragraph where you have all the global settings. You have a spacing for lines and another for paragraphs, I think you can use negative values. mOn 26. May 2021, at 20:28, Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden> wrote: Perhaps it depends on the style. I tested it with the "generic" style (and gotten the tighter spacing), which style are you using? Giovanni Am 26.05.2021 um 20:22 schrieb Richard gomez:Thank you Giovanni. I have tried <assign|par-par-sep|0.2fn>, and this what i get : — if i try with a big size, like 1fn : <assign|par-par-sep|1fn>, it works ! Every vertical space is bigger, but this is not what i want. — if i try with 0.2fn or 0.1fn, it does not work. The vertical space i get is bigger (just a little bit bigger) and i want it smaller... It seems impossible to me to reduce the actual vertical spaces… I remember that i got the same result with the menu : FORMAT —> WHITE SPACE —> (..) Maybe someone knows how to change the vertical space obtained pressing ENTER… Best regards, Richard GomezLe 26 mai 2021 à 19:31, Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden> a écrit : The environment variable that controls the spacing between two successive paragraphs is par-par-sep. This assigns it to a tight spacing <assign|par-par-sep|0.2fn> and you can adjust to the liking of your editor. I hope that I am not missing important things, in case I hope someone else can correct or complete what I wrote. Giovanni Am 26.05.2021 um 18:43 schrieb Richard gomez:############### ### French version Bonjour, Je sépare les différents paragraphes d’une section d’un chapitre de mon livre en sautant la ligne, comme par exemple ci-dessous : << 1 Titre de la section Bloc 1 bla bla bla bla bla ceci cela et bla bla et bla bla bla. Bloc 2. La suite bla bla bla et bla Est-il possible de réduire l’espace entre les deux blocs ? (C’est une demande faite par mon éditeur qui trouve l’espace entre les deux blocs trop grand). Merci de votre aide, Richard Gomez ################# ###English version Hello, i am writing several blocs in the same section and i separate them with a << line break >> (pressing ENTER). Here is an example : << 1 Titre de la section Block 1 bla bla bla bla bla ceci cela et bla bla et bla bla bla. Block 2. La suite bla bla bla et bla My editor wants the vertical separation (vertical space) between the 2 blocks to be shorter. How can i change the length of this vertical space ? Best regards, Richard Gomez
- Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/26/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Giovanni Piredda, 05/26/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/26/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Giovanni Piredda, 05/26/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Massimiliano Gubinelli, 05/26/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Jeroen Wouters, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Jeroen Wouters, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, TeXmacs, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Basile Audoly, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, TeXmacs, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, TeXmacs, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Frank, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, TeXmacs, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Jeroen Wouters, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/28/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Massimiliano Gubinelli, 05/26/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Giovanni Piredda, 05/26/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Richard gomez, 05/26/2021
- Re: Space between two paragraphs, Giovanni Piredda, 05/26/2021
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