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Re: line thickness

Chronological Thread 
  • From: vincent douce <address@hidden>
  • To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
  • Subject: Re: line thickness
  • Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 07:49:11 +0100

but, Hammer, i have put a lot of « contents » in my-init-texmacs

the aim for me is to create shortcuts for tm contents (see below)

i dont really see why i couldn’t create a shortcut for very tiny hline in

;----- raccourcis en mode texte -----
; a z e : petit encadre [en mode maths aussi]
; a z d : dessin libre dans cadre de "petite figure"
; a z t : cadre "tableau" en largeur transparent, deux cases centrees
; a z 0 ---- a z 1 ---- a z 2 : tableaux de variation a 0,1,2 extrema
; a z c : tableau de convexite
; a z p : arbre de probabilites
; a z f : petite figure
; a z i : no-indent

;----- raccourcis en mode maths -----
; a z s : displaystyle
; a z e : petit encadre [en mode texte aussi]
; a z r : systeme

;----------------- methode ------------------
; selectionner l'objet voulu dans un document .tm et faire :
; "copier vers TeXmacs Scheme",
; puis ici faire "coller depuis TeXmacs Scheme"
; ou, s'il y a des symboles :
; puis ici faire "coller depuis Verbatim"
; à la place des ***
; tout instruction qui se copie en (math qqch) ne marchera pas

;(kbd-map (:mode in-math?) ("a z d" (insert '

;----- formatages divers --------
; largeur des traits pour les tableaux
(use-modules (table table-edit))
(cell-set-pen-width "0.25ln")

;--------- raccourcis en mode texte ---------

; a faire :
; utiliser option q, y, p, s, h, j, k
; option g donne fi le mettre en
; probleme v v v doit etre reserve pour faire le vecteur v
; pb ce soiravec i i i _

;-------------- mode texte ---------------
(kbd-map (:mode in-text?)
("R R R" (make 'r-code)); lignes de code R
("r r r" (make 'r)); petit bout de code R
("- - - -" )

;-------------- divers en mode texte ---------------
("p p p" (make 'acronym)); Sigle ou acronyme comme PISA ou PEEP.

;("e e e" (insert ' (enumerate-alpha (document (item))))); liste a)
("e e e" (insert-go-to '
(enumerate-alpha (document (item)))
(list 0 0 1)
)); liste a)
("s s s" (insert '(underline "ssi") )); liste a)

;---- lettre doubles ----

(delayed (lazy-keyboard-force)
(:mode in-math?)
;------------ lettres doubles et triples ------------

("^ ^ ^" (make-wide "^")) ; pour notation des angles ok
("^ ^" (insert '(math (rsup "2")))) ; pour carre en exposant
("_ _" (make-wide-under "<wide-bar>")) ; pour souligner
("a a" (make-above))
("a a a" (math (wide "" "<invbreve>"))); notation des arcs de cercle
("b b" (make-below))
("b b var" (make 'binom))
; cc is necessary for arccos
;("d d d" "displaystyle")
;("d d" (math "d"))
("d d" "<mathd>");conflit avec Typinator…
("d d var" (make-wide "<ddot>"));double point dessus
;---------- infinitesimaux dans les integrales -----------------
("d a" "<mathd>a")
("d b" "<mathd>b")
("d f" "<mathd>f")
("d g" "<mathd>g")
("d h" "<mathd>h")
("d p" "<mathd>p")
("d q" "<mathd>q")
("d r" "<mathd>r")
("d s" "<mathd>s")
("d t" "<mathd>t")
("d u" "<mathd>u")
("d v" "<mathd>v")
("d w" "<mathd>w")
("d x" "<mathd>x")
("d y" "<mathd>y")
("d z" "<mathd>z")
("e e" "<mathe>")
("f f" (make-fraction))
("f f var var" (make 'dfrac))
("f f var" (make 'frac*))
("g g" (math (wide "" "~")));marche pas…
("i i i" (math-big-operator "int"))
("a z s var" (insert '(with "math-display" "true" (big "int"))))
("i i" "<mathi>")
("l l" (insert '(math (concat
(below "lim" "x<rightarrow>+<infty>")
" f" (around* "(" "x" ")")
("m m" (make 'matrix))
("n n" (make-neg))
("n n var" (make-nabla));a revoir, marche pas
("p p" "<parallel>")
("p p var" (math-big-operator "prod"))
("r r" (make-sqrt))
("r r var" (make-var-sqrt))
("s s" (math-big-operator "sum"))
("t t" (make 'text))
("v v" (make-wide "<vect>")); vvv necessary for often-typed "vector v"
;("v v v" (make-wide "v <vect>")); doesn t work
;("v v v" (math (wide "v" "<vect>"))); doesn t work
;("v v v" (make (wide "v" "<vect>"))); doesn t work
("x x" "<times>")
("x x x" "x <times>")
;------ jolie police : doubles et triples majuscules -----
(delayed (lazy-keyboard-force)
(:mode in-math?)
;("A A A" (insert '"<cal-A>"));works fine also
("A A A" "<cal-A>")
("B B B" "<cal-B>")
("C C C" "<cal-C>")
("D D D" "<cal-D>")
("E E E" "<cal-E>")
("F F F" "<cal-F>")
("G G G" "<cal-G>")
("H H H" "<cal-H>")
("I I I" "<cal-I>")
("J J J" "<cal-J>")
("K K K" "<cal-K>")
("L L L" "<cal-L>")
("M M M" "<cal-M>")
("N N N" "<cal-N>")
("O O O" "<cal-O>")
("P P P" "<cal-P>")
("Q Q Q" "<cal-Q>")
("R R R" "<cal-R>")
("S S S" "<cal-S>")
("T T T" "<cal-T>")
("U U U" "<cal-U>")
("V V V" "<cal-V>")
("W W W" "<cal-W>")
("X X X" "<cal-X>")
("Y Y Y" "<cal-Y>")
("Z Z Z" "<cal-Z>")
("A A" "<bbb-A>")
("B B" "<bbb-B>")
("C C" "<bbb-C>")
("D D" "<bbb-D>")
("E E" "<bbb-E>")
("F F" "<bbb-F>")
("G G" "<bbb-G>")
("H H" "<bbb-H>")
("I I" "<bbb-I>")
("J J" "<bbb-J>")
("K K" "<bbb-K>")
("L L" "<bbb-L>")
("M M" "<bbb-M>")
("N N" "<bbb-N>")
("O O" "<bbb-O>")
("P P" "<bbb-P>")
("Q Q" "<bbb-Q>")
("R R" "<bbb-R>")
("S S" "<bbb-S>")
("T T" "<bbb-T>")
("U U" "<bbb-U>")
("V V" "<bbb-V>")
("W W" "<bbb-W>")
("X X" "<bbb-X>")
("Y Y" "<bbb-Y>")
("Z Z" "<bbb-Z>")

;---- symboles divers ----

(delayed (lazy-keyboard-force)
(:mode in-math?)

("= var" "<Leftrightarrow>"); ---- <=> ---- very very very useful
("= var var" "<Rightarrow>"); ---- => ----
("= var var var" "<equiv>"); ---- modulo ----
("= @ @" "=<infty>"); ---- avoid existing shortcut ----
("= @ /" "=<varnothing>");---- avoid existing shortcut ----
("< -" "<less>-"); ---- avoid existing shortcut----
("< - var" "<leftarrow>")

;("<sim> <sim> -" "<approx> -");cette ligne et la suivante
;("<sim> <sim>" "<approx>");pour contrecarrer l'existant
; marche pas
; ("M-n M-n -" "<approx> -");c est pas la bonne touche : M- c'est cmd

("&" "<cap>"); ---- inter ----not the good one : too tiny
("& . ." "<cap><cdots><cap>")
("& var" "<wedge>")
("& var . ." "<wedge><cdots><wedge>")
("& var var" (insert '(below (big "cap") "")))

("%" "<cup>"); ---- union ---- pas le bon !!!!!
("% . ." "<vee><cup><vee>")
("% var" "<vee>")
("% var . ." "<vee><cdots><vee>")
("% var var var" "%")
("% var var" (insert '(below (big "cup") "")))

("x var" "<times>"); ---- touche X ----
("x var var" "<xi>")
;("/ /" "|" <move|"/"|-9pt|>)
("A var" "<forall>");
("A var var" "<aleph>");
("C var" "<complement>"); le vieux binome C
("E var" "<exists>");
("I var" "<Im>");
("R var" "<Re>");
("T var" "<bot>");perpendiculaire

;faire les jolis <= pour les relation d'ordre
;("space e t" "(make 'infix-and)")
; inutiles grace au raccourci pomme-alt-fleches :
;("space space" (make-space "0.6spc")
;("; ; ;" (make-space "0.6spc"))
;("z z" (make-space "0.6spc"))
;------ dice and cards ------ only in styx mode !!!!!!!

(kbd-map (:mode in-math?)
("@ 1" "<#2680>");ne marche pas en "roman"
("@ 2" "<#2681>");idem pour les autres
("@ 3" "<#2682>");marche avec "styx"
("@ 4" "<#2683>");pour les autres poss
("@ 5" "<#2684>")
("@ 6" "<#2685>")
("@ k" (insert '(with "color" "red" "<#2665>")));coeur
("@ c" (insert '(with "color" "red" "<#2666>")));carreau
("@ p" "<#2660>");pique
("@ t" "<#2663>");trefle

;------ numbers in circles ---------

(kbd-map (:mode in-math?)
("@ 1 var" "<#2460>")
("@ 2 var" "<#2461>")
("@ 3 var" "<#2462>")
("@ 4 var" "<#2463>")
("@ 5 var" "<#2464>")
("@ 6 var" "<#2465>")
("@ 7 var" "<#2466>")
("@ 8 var" "<#2467>")
("@ 9 var" "<#2468>")

;------ exports automatised ------

;---- export pdf ----

(define (propose-pdf-name)
(with name (propose-name-buffer)
(if (string-ends? name ".tm")
(string-append (string-drop-right name 3) ".pdf"))))

(define (export-to-proposed-pdf)
(let ((pdf-name (propose-pdf-name)))
(wrapped-print-to-file pdf-name)))

("M-e p" (export-to-proposed-pdf)))

;---- export html ----

(define (propose-html-name)
(with name (propose-name-buffer)
(if (string-ends? name ".tm")
(string-append (string-drop-right name 3) ".html"))))

(define (export-to-proposed-html)
(let ((html-name (propose-html-name)))
((buffer-exporter "html") html-name));)

(kbd-map ("M-e h" (export-to-proposed-html)))

;---- export pdf+html ----

(kbd-map ("M-e a" (export-to-proposed-html) (export-to-proposed-pdf)))

;--- ajuster taille image ---
;; taille des images

(define (image? t) (tree-is? t 'image))

(define (find-image t)
(car (tree-search (tree-outer t) image?)))

(define (set-image-size t)
(tree-set! t 1 (string->tree "5cm"))
(tree-set! t 2 (string->tree "")))

;(kbd-map ("v v v" (let ((t (find-image (cursor-tree))))
; (set-image-size t))))

;---------------- systemes droites parametriques dans R3
(kbd-map (:mode in-math?)
("a z s" (insert '(choice (tformat (cwith "1" "-1" "1" "1"
"cell-halign" "r") (table (row (cell "x") (cell "=") (cell "")) (row (cell
"y") (cell "=") (cell "")) (row (cell "z") (cell "=") (cell "")))))))

;---------------- systemes ---------------
(kbd-map (:mode in-math?)
("a z r" (insert-go-to '(choice (tformat (table (row (cell "")))))
(list 0 0 0 0 0) ))
;------------------- petit cadre ------------

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z e" (insert '
(wide-tabular (document (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "-1" "cell-halign" "c")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "-1" "cell-valign" "c") (table (row (cell (document ""))
(cell (document "")))))))

;------------------- dessin libre ------------

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z d" (insert '
(small-figure (with "gr-mode"
(tuple "hand-edit" "line") "gr-frame"
(tuple "scale" "1cm" (tuple "0.5gw" "0.5gh"))
(tuple "geometry" "4cm" "4cm")
(graphics ""
(with "point style" "disk" "point-size" "1ln" ))
) "")

;------------------- tableau de variations f'(x) ne s'annulle pas

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z 0" (insert '
(math (document (block* (tformat (cwith "1" "-1" "2" "2" "cell-halign" "l")
(table (row (cell "x") (cell (concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1"
"1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))))))
(row (cell (concat "f" (rprime "'") (around* "(" "x" ")"))) (cell (concat
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode"
"exact") (table (row (cell "")))))))) (row (cell "f") (cell (concat (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode"
"exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell "")))))))))))))

;------------------- tableau de variations f'(x) s'annulle une fois

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z 1" (insert '
(math (document (block* (tformat (cwith "1" "-1" "2" "2" "cell-halign" "l")
(table (row (cell "x") (cell (concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1"
"1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))))) (row (cell (concat "f"
(rprime "'") (around* "(" "x" ")"))) (cell (concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith
"1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode"
"exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))))) (row (cell
"f") (cell (concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode"
"exact") (table (row (cell "")))))))))))))
;------------------- tableau de variations f'(x) s'annulle deux fois

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z 2" (insert '
(math (document (block* (tformat (cwith "1" "-1" "2" "2" "cell-halign" "l")
(table (row (cell "x") (cell (concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1"
"1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode"
"exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
"")))))))) (row (cell (concat "f" (rprime "'") (around* "(" "x" ")"))) (cell
(concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode"
"exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))))) (row (cell
"f") (cell (concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode"
"exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))))))))))
;------------------- tableau de convexite ---------

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z c" (insert '
(math (document (block* (tformat (cwith "1" "-1" "2" "2" "cell-halign" "l")
(table (row (cell "x") (cell (concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1"
"1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell "-<infty>"))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "+<infty>")))))))) (row
(cell (concat "f" (rprime "''") (around* "(" "x" ")"))) (cell (concat
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode"
"exact") (table (row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell
"")))))))) (row (cell "") (cell (concat (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1"
"1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell ""))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width"
"1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell (text
(small "concave"))))))) (tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table
(row (cell (text (small (with "font-series" "bold" "infl")))))))) (tabular*
(tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1"
"cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell (text (small "convexe")))))))
(tabular* (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "1" "cell-width" "1.2cm") (cwith "1"
"1" "1" "1" "cell-hmode" "exact") (table (row (cell "")))))))))))))

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?)("a z p" (insert '
(small-figure (with "gr-mode"
(tuple "group-edit" "move") "gr-frame" (tuple "scale" "1cm" (tuple
"0.310018gw" "0.5gh")) "gr-geometry" (tuple "geometry" "8.40162cm"
"4.00112cm" "center") "gr-transformation" (tuple (tuple "0.955336489125606"
"0.0" "0.295520206661339" "0.0") (tuple "0.0" "1.0" "0.0" "0.0") (tuple
"-0.295520206661339" "0.0" "0.955336489125606" "0.0") (tuple "0.0" "0.0"
"0.0" "1.0")) (graphics "" (with "point style" "disk" "point-size" "1ln")
(math-at (concat "p" (around* "(" (wide "A" "<wide-bar>") ")") "=") (point
"-2.08427670525202" "-1.28643419195661")) (math-at (concat "p" (around* "("
"A<cap>B" ")") "=") (point "3.15497996295806" "1.41055783966133")) (math-at
(concat "p" (around* "(" (concat "A<cap>" (wide "B" "<wide-bar>")) ")") "=")
(point "3.17283695991533" "0.338983435110464")) (math-at (concat "p" (around*
"(" (concat (wide "A" "<wide-bar>") "<cap>" (wide "B" "<wide-bar>")) ")")
"=") (point "3.18419114137258" "-1.67486664704326")) (math-at (concat "p"
(around* "(" "A" ")") "=") (point "-2.09571812541341" "0.606875515676677"))
(math-at (concat "p" (around* "(" (concat (wide "A" "<wide-bar>") "<cap>B")
")") "=") (point "3.19069982801958" "-0.696867971953962")) (math-at (concat
"p" (rsub (wide "A" "<wide-bar>")) (around* "(" "B" ")") "=") (point
"0.72608434845879" "-0.75044654703003")) (math-at (concat "p" (rsub (wide "A"
"<wide-bar>")) (around* "(" (wide "B" "<wide-bar>") ")") "=") (point
"0.77966880142876" "-1.76843752612779")) (math-at (concat "p" (rsub (wide "A"
"<wide-bar>")) (around* "(" (wide "B" "<wide-bar>") ")") "=") (point
"0.73648953948935" "0.182530942584998")) (math-at (concat "p" (rsub "A")
(around* "(" "B" ")") "=") (point "0.63679040071438" "1.44626950522556"))
(line (point "3.03741" "1.49874") (point "0.476055033734621"
"0.856908982669665") (point "3.05526524672576" "0.441857388543458")) (line
(point "3.07314" "-0.593977") (point "0.601071570313534" "-1.23265312872073")
(point "3.06662587643868" "-1.57198372800635")) (line (point "0.476055"
"0.856909") (point "-2.18501124487366" "-0.214661330863871") (point
"0.601071570313534" "-1.23265312872073")))) "")
; tableau invisible largeur de paragraphe en deux cases
(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z t" (insert '
(wide-tabular (document (tformat (cwith "1" "1" "1" "-1" "cell-halign" "c")
(cwith "1" "1" "1" "-1" "cell-valign" "c") (table (row (cell (document ""))
(cell (document "")))))))

(kbd-map ("a z e" (insert-go-to '
(block* (tformat (table (row (cell ""))))) (list 0 0 0 0 0)

(kbd-map (:mode in-math?) ("a z s" (insert-go-to '(with "math-display" "true"
"") '(2 0))))

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z f" (insert '
(small-figure "" "")

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z i" (insert '

(kbd-map (:mode in-text?) ("a z b" (insert '
(math (concat (with "color" "dark magenta" "<bbb-B>") (with "color" "dark
green" "<bbb-I>") (with "color" "orange" "<bbb-N>") (with "color" "blue"
"<bbb-G>") (with "color" "magenta" "<bbb-O>"))

> Le 18 nov. 2023 à 06:18, Hammer Hu <address@hidden> a écrit :
> Vincent,
> You don't put them in your init file. Things like <really-tiny|<hrule>> are
> the
> contents of your tm document, not scheme expressions. See
> on how to input them by hand.
> Best,
> Hammer
> ---------------------------------------------
> From: vincent douce <address@hidden>
> Sent: 17.11.2023 16:53
> To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
> Subject: Re: line thickness
> Giovanni & Hammer
> i can’t manage to concretize your solutions
> i dont understand good how to type your codes
> i am sorry…
> what i have found is simply :
> really-tiny | hrule
> but i can’t find out how to write it precisely in my-init-texmacs
> i have tried to « copy to Texmacs Scheme » such a very tiny hline
> and « paste from TeXmacs Scheme » into my-init-temxacs
> but the result does not fit i get something like <really-tiny|<hrule>> that
> is not the way things are written in my-init-texmacs
> i think we’re not far from the solution
> Vincent
>> Le 16 nov. 2023 à 19:57, Hammer Hu <address@hidden> a écrit :
>> An easier non-solution:
>> <with|font-size|.4pt|<hrule>>
>> Start with backslash, this can be typed within seconds.
>> Best,
>> Hammer
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> From: vincent douce <address@hidden>
>> Sent: 16.11.2023 10:42
>> To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
>> Subject: Re: line thickness
>> thanks very much both of you Hammer and Giovanni
>> really efficient !
>> i have attached a screenshot :
>> on the left the thickness by default
>> on the middle thicnkess 0.5ln, exactly what i wanted
>> ![](cid:1701C8A7-EE94-4BFD-B597-A6E0E12693EF@lan)
>> thought, some questions please :
>> a) on the right side (third screenshot) i have put 0.2ln (and of course
>> recorded my-init-texmacs and left the app and relaunched)
>> but curiously the thickness between 0.5ln (middle picture) and 0.2ln (right
>> picture) seem not to be different : why ?
>> b) is it possible to parameter the same for horizontal lines (Hrule) ?
>> c) the link Giovanni gives leads to 12.4 of
>> <>
>> but i
>> can’t find the document where you found the lines you cote : where did you
>> find them ?
>> Vincent
>>> Le 15 nov. 2023 à 20:34, Hammer Hu
>>> <[address@hidden](mailto:address@hidden)> a écrit :
>>> Several lines behind
>>> (define cell-current-pen-width "1ln")
>>> there's a function `cell-set-pen-width'. It should work if you put in init
>>> file:
>>> (use-modules (table table-edit))
>>> (cell-set-pen-width "0.5ln")
>>> Best,
>>> Hammer
>>> \---------------------------------------------
>>> From: Giovanni Piredda <[address@hidden](mailto:address@hidden)>
>>> Sent: 15.11.2023 19:18
>>> To: [address@hidden](mailto:address@hidden)
>>> Subject: Re: line thickness
>>> I have investigated a bit (following the ideas in
>>> <<>>) and found
>>> out
>>> in
>>> progs/table/table-edit.scm the definition
>>> (define cell-current-pen-width "1ln")
>>> This is local to the module. I tried it together with the with-module
>>> form
>>> shown in <<
>>> scheme->
>>> modules/1497>, as
>>> (with-module (resolve-module '(table table-edit)) (define
>>> cell-current-pen-
>>> width "0.5ln"))
>>> It works in a Scheme session, but it does not yet work for me in the init
>>> file. For today I have to stop: perhaps someone has an idea?
>>> Giovanni
>>> On 15/11/23 16:43, vincent douce wrote:
>>>> hello all
>>> is it possible in TeXmacs to have finer line that the lines by default ?
>>> ![]([](
>>> thanks
>>> Vincent

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