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From : vincent douce <address@hidden>- To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
- Subject: Re: line thickness
- Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 07:56:13 +0100
thank you Giovanni
i am sorry it is beyond my skills
i dont understand how to make a link betweek this § and my very tiny hline…
also it is written :
« This will append a style file (in this case
, change this to the style file of your preference) to every new file. It will not operate on existing files. »but i never use new files
most of the time i work on existing files
but when i need a new file, i go to my folder « models » and i pick up an existing .tm file created by me in this folder
Le 17 nov. 2023 à 18:02, Giovanni Piredda <address@hidden> a écrit :I think that this forum post may be helpful:
paragraph "Add a style file to every new buffer".
You might make a file style that adds to the "generic" style your new and redefined macros.
Let me know if it sounds sensible.
I have got a feeling that somewhere there is a discussion on how to add TeXmacs macros through Scheme, but I might be wrong.
On 17/11/23 16:53, vincent douce wrote:Giovanni & Hammer
i can’t manage to concretize your solutions
i dont understand good how to type your codes
i am sorry…
what i have found is simply :
really-tiny | hrule
but i can’t find out how to write it precisely in my-init-texmacs
i have tried to « copy to Texmacs Scheme » such a very tiny hline
and « paste from TeXmacs Scheme » into my-init-temxacs
but the result does not fit i get something like <really-tiny|<hrule>> that is not the way things are written in my-init-texmacs
i think we’re not far from the solution
VincentLe 16 nov. 2023 à 19:57, Hammer Hu <address@hidden> a écrit :
An easier non-solution:
Start with backslash, this can be typed within seconds.
From: vincent douce <address@hidden>
Sent: 16.11.2023 10:42
To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: line thickness
thanks very much both of you Hammer and Giovanni
really efficient !
i have attached a screenshot :
on the left the thickness by default
on the middle thicnkess 0.5ln, exactly what i wanted

thought, some questions please :
a) on the right side (third screenshot) i have put 0.2ln (and of course
recorded my-init-texmacs and left the app and relaunched)
but curiously the thickness between 0.5ln (middle picture) and 0.2ln (right
picture) seem not to be different : why ?
b) is it possible to parameter the same for horizontal lines (Hrule) ?
c) the link Giovanni gives leads to 12.4 of
<> but i
can’t find the document where you found the lines you cote : where did you
find them ?
VincentLe 15 nov. 2023 à 20:34, Hammer Hu
<[address@hidden](mailto:address@hidden)> a écrit :
Several lines behind
(define cell-current-pen-width "1ln")
there's a function `cell-set-pen-width'. It should work if you put in init
(use-modules (table table-edit))
(cell-set-pen-width "0.5ln")
From: Giovanni Piredda <[address@hidden](mailto:address@hidden)>
Sent: 15.11.2023 19:18
To: [address@hidden](mailto:address@hidden)
Subject: Re: line thickness
I have investigated a bit (following the ideas in
<<>>) and found out
progs/table/table-edit.scm the definition
(define cell-current-pen-width "1ln")
This is local to the module. I tried it together with the with-module form
shown in <<
modules/1497>, as
(with-module (resolve-module '(table table-edit)) (define cell-current-pen-
width "0.5ln"))
It works in a Scheme session, but it does not yet work for me in the init
file. For today I have to stop: perhaps someone has an idea?
On 15/11/23 16:43, vincent douce wrote:hello allis it possible in TeXmacs to have finer line that the lines by default ?
- line thickness, vincent douce, 11/15/2023
- Re: line thickness, Giovanni Piredda, 11/15/2023
- Re: line thickness, Hammer Hu, 11/15/2023
- Re: line thickness, vincent douce, 11/16/2023
- Re: line thickness, Giovanni Piredda, 11/16/2023
- Re: line thickness, Hammer Hu, 11/16/2023
- Re: line thickness, vincent douce, 11/17/2023
- Re: line thickness, Giovanni Piredda, 11/17/2023
- Re: line thickness, vincent douce, 11/18/2023
- Re: line thickness, Giovanni Piredda, 11/18/2023
- Re: line thickness, vincent douce, 11/19/2023
- Re: line thickness, Giovanni Piredda, 11/17/2023
- Re: line thickness, vincent douce, 11/17/2023
- Re: line thickness, Hammer Hu, 11/18/2023
- Re: line thickness, vincent douce, 11/19/2023
- Re: line thickness, vincent douce, 11/16/2023
- Re: line thickness, Hammer Hu, 11/15/2023
- Re: line thickness, Giovanni Piredda, 11/15/2023
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: line thickness, Hammer Hu, 11/18/2023
- Re: line thickness, vincent douce, 11/18/2023
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