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[TeXmacs] OK: customize mod keys under mac os X

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "El.douwen" <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] OK: customize mod keys under mac os X
  • Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 19:05:07 +0100
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=message-id:from:to:in-reply-to:content-type:mime-version:subject :date:references:x-mailer; b=AEVpt2gKg8FlfEJXGHACeS7RX0P+8tVZckdJkYjVOLAeQEjFgW8/1VJ0LJs9ldgXvK Hu7wn/oXn8T5WcxvloD0gB7cpuN+gMBxkBi++UnhkSFSvlOYQ84HA4KTceZ672FdDo0x wyK3EW/IScIGp/wb4We30F/DHBk3q4u2bxQ/Q=

hi Alfe

- i want to move the file ~/.Xmodmap to the trash, i have tried erase ~/.Xmodmap and delete ~/.Xmodmap without succeeding
the i have tried man to have a manual of the terminal he asked "which manual ?" without proposing any choicelist so i was lost
i have looked in the mac os X help for terminal, can not find

- the folder Developer contains a folder usr which contains a include but not "X11" in this include
in Developer:usr:X1 not file keysymdef.h so i could not find /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h but no problem, in the finder i have searched keysymdef.h and i have found about 10 of them, i have opened one of them

- i have finally written the following programm, that i save in a file  named "feuillesdautomne" on the desktop; to use it, each time i laouch texmacs i must write xmodmap and then i move the icon of feuillesdautomne to the cursor of the terminal; the execution of my ptorgramm encoutered no error message
now in texmacs apple is M alt is A and i suppose that control is H (i think i never use H)

clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
keycode 63 = Meta_L
keycode 66 = Alt_L
keycode 67 = Mode_switch
add Mod1 = Meta_L
add Mod2 = Alt_L
add Mod3 = Mode_switch

1) how can i insert remarks ? 
2) i thougt that "Meta_L" and so on were "transparent" variables, i thougt all this was a way of writing "Mod1 is affected to keycode 63 which is the traduction of apple key"
but my logic seems to be false in this case; i dont understand what different realities represent the "keycode 63" and "Meta_L" 
i would say "keycode 63" représents the physical key left of the keyboard with a apple on it
while "Meta_L" would represent the "idea" of an apple key... 
but in this case why do i needed to write "keycode 63 = Meta_L" since i would believe that my apple key is already assigned to the "idea" of an apple key...
if anyone can expalin me.. i dont need this explanation since it works, but for my curiosity, i dont like to do things i dont understand

- i hate doing these things


thank you very much everyone
can we dream of a new version of texmacs with an intuitive interface for mapping modifiers keys, that would also works on mac os X without any autumn leaves ?


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