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Re: [TeXmacs] OK: customize mod keys under mac os X

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Michael Lachmann <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] OK: customize mod keys under mac os X
  • Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 19:41:05 +0100


You can also try the following:
(I haven't actually tested this, because I can't currently quit X11)

When you have X11 running, and X11 is currently in front, click on the menu item
X11->Preferences (in the OSX menu at the top of the screen)

Select the "Input" tab, and unselect the
"Follow system keyboard layout" tickmark.

This should, according to
automatically source the .Xmodmap file.


On 11 Nov 2009, at 19:05, El.douwen wrote:

hi Alfe

- i want to move the file ~/.Xmodmap to the trash, i have tried erase ~/.Xmodmap and delete ~/.Xmodmap without succeeding
the i have tried man to have a manual of the terminal he asked "which manual ?" without proposing any choicelist so i was lost
i have looked in the mac os X help for terminal, can not find

- the folder Developer contains a folder usr which contains a include but not "X11" in this include
in Developer:usr:X1 not file keysymdef.h so i could not find /usr/ include/X11/keysymdef.h but no problem, in the finder i have searched keysymdef.h and i have found about 10 of them, i have opened one of them

- i have finally written the following programm, that i save in a file named "feuillesdautomne" on the desktop; to use it, each time i laouch texmacs i must write xmodmap and then i move the icon of feuillesdautomne to the cursor of the terminal; the execution of my ptorgramm encoutered no error message
now in texmacs apple is M alt is A and i suppose that control is H (i think i never use H)

clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
keycode 63 = Meta_L
keycode 66 = Alt_L
keycode 67 = Mode_switch
add Mod1 = Meta_L
add Mod2 = Alt_L
add Mod3 = Mode_switch

1) how can i insert remarks ?
2) i thougt that "Meta_L" and so on were "transparent" variables, i thougt all this was a way of writing "Mod1 is affected to keycode 63 which is the traduction of apple key"
but my logic seems to be false in this case; i dont understand what different realities represent the "keycode 63" and "Meta_L"
i would say "keycode 63" représents the physical key left of the keyboard with a apple on it
while "Meta_L" would represent the "idea" of an apple key...
but in this case why do i needed to write "keycode 63 = Meta_L" since i would believe that my apple key is already assigned to the "idea" of an apple key...
if anyone can expalin me.. i dont need this explanation since it works, but for my curiosity, i dont like to do things i dont understand

- i hate doing these things


thank you very much everyone
can we dream of a new version of texmacs with an intuitive interface for mapping modifiers keys, that would also works on mac os X without any autumn leaves ?


Michael Lachmann, Max Planck institute of evolutionary anthropology
Deutscher Platz. 6, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Tel: +49-341-3550521, Fax: +49-341-3550555

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